"Peter Gentry" <peter.gen...@sunscales.co.uk> writes:

> You will need to modify the attach file (instrument_ranges.ly) since you are 
> only interested in one instrument. 
> A numeric pitch can be constructed from three components of the lilypond 
> pitch p
> 1.    The octave o obtained from  (ly:pitch-octave p))  
> 2.    The note n obtained from (ly:pitch-notename p))  
> 3.    The semitone  a  obtained from the alteration  (* 4 
> (ly:pitch-alteration p))  note alteration is in quarter tone steps
> The numeric pitch (op) is calculated by (define op (+ (* 14 o) (* n 2) (/ a 
> 2)))  “op is a unique number representing the pitch of the note”

Uh, that's pretty bad since it sees eis as equal to fes.  Anything wrong
with just using (ly:pitch-tones p) instead?

David Kastrup

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