Maurits Lamers <> writes:

>> Op 20 okt. 2017, om 18:32 heeft David Kastrup <> het
>> volgende geschreven:
>> Maurits Lamers < <>> 
>> writes:
>>> I can retrieve the retrieve that name through (ly:context-id
>>> (ly:translator-context engraver)).
>>> When the voice is defined in an anonymous way context-id is an empty 
>>> string. 
>>> I have been trying to set the context-id when none is set using a
>>> counter, but that fails because of an "missing typecheck for property
>>> 'context-id'" error.
>>> I tried to use both a normal list as well as an asoc list to keep
>>> track of the different Voice contexts in order to tell them apart but
>>> I haven't been able to get that to work.
>>> I know that when lyrics are added, it is possible to refer to those
>>> anonymous voices by using "1" etc.
>> That's nonsense.  Voices in a << ... \\ ... \\ >> construct are not
>> anonymous but named "1", "2", "3" by default, and you can refer to
>> those.  But this has nothing whatsoever to do with lyrics.
> But those values are not retrievable through (ly:context-id context), are 
> they? 

They are.  LilyPond just does the equivalent of
<< \context Voice = "1" ...
   \context Voice = "2" ...
   \context Voice = "3"

But this is just ad-hoc for a << \\ \\ >> construct.

David Kastrup

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