>> But those values are not retrievable through (ly:context-id context), are 
>> they? 
> They are.  LilyPond just does the equivalent of
> << \context Voice = "1" ...
>   \context Voice = "2" ...
>   \context Voice = "3"
> But this is just ad-hoc for a << \\ \\ >> construct.

So, if I understand this correctly, the following 

\new Voice { 


leaves the context-id empty.
 As I have to track them anyhow, I used the (make-object-property) technique to 
track the voice even in that case (as well as the parent staff)

Follow up question:
I also want to track lyrics. I already capture the lyric-event and 
hyphen-event. Is is possible to find the associated voice through the event?
I tried to read the associatedVoice property, but that seems to be empty.

thanks in advance!



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