Gianmaria Lari <> writes:

> I have this:
> \version "2.19.80"
> scale = {c d e f g a b}
> pattern = {c d e f}
> \fixed c' {
>   \modalTranspose c c \scale \pattern
>   \modalTranspose c d \scale \pattern
>   \modalTranspose c e \scale \pattern
>   \modalTranspose c f \scale \pattern
>   \modalTranspose c g \scale \pattern
>   \modalTranspose c a \scale \pattern
>   \modalTranspose c b \scale \pattern
>   \modalTranspose c c' \scale \pattern
> }
> Is there any (simple) way to rewrite it in a more concise way like this for
> example?
>   \repeat unfold 7 {
>     \modalTranspose c "c+index" \scale \pattern
>   }

What is simple?

\version "2.18.0"

scale = {c d e f g a b}
pattern = {c d e f}

\fixed c' {
      (lambda (p)
        #{ \modalTranspose c #(ly:make-pitch -1 p) \scale \pattern #})
      (iota 8))

David Kastrup

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