Hi all,

I can probably work a lot out on my own, but if someone could direct me to
any Lilypond-specific Scheme tutorials that might help with the idea I'm
thinking about, that would be super!

My idea is to remove a lot of boilerplate for score creation. Thus I can
have music defined as:
violinIMusic = \relative c' { ... }
violinIIMusic = etc.
and voices as

violinIVoice = etc.
violinIIVoice = etc.

Also Staffs, Headers, etc as required.

Then include these all in both Parts and Score files by something general,
like the following, very rough pseudocode.

( define instruments '("violinI" "violinII" "viola") )

( for each ( instrument : instruments )
  \new Staff {
      \$[instrument]Voice {
          (if \transposing (
               \$[instrument]Transposition ))

I am sure there is precedent for this and I need not invent it myself!!

Thanks in advance for all help :-)

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