On 12/11/2017 11:23 AM, Rus wrote:
  How can I control (I need to increase) the space between the bar line and the 
following lyrics syllable?
  I use version 2.18.2

I'm not sure what you mean, but if you want to increase 'padding' so to
speak, you could do something like this:

{ c d e f? \once
  ? \override Staff.BarLine.space-alist.next-note = #'(fixed-space . 5.5)
  ? c d e f }

See attached.

Does this look like what you mean?

Thank you, but this does not look like I mean. I expanded your example (see 
attached). As you can see, the first syllable of each bar has a different space 
to the preceding bar line. I want the same space between the bar line and the 
following lyrics syllable, not to the next note.


If you remove the "once" then the override will apply *exactly *the same to each, moving forward - not just the first instance. Which I believe is what you want.

See my new attachment.

Can you share some code, if this is not what you're after? Thanks!

\version "2.19.80"

   % default
   c d e f
   % remove once and it applies to all not just the first
  \override Staff.BarLine.space-alist.next-note = #'(fixed-space . 5.5)
 c d e f
 c d e f
 c d e f^"etc..."

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