On Mon 11 Dec 2017 at 19:23:59 (+0300), Rus wrote:
> >>  Hello!
> >>  How can I control (I need to increase) the space between the bar line and 
> >> the following lyrics syllable?
> >>  I use version 2.18.2
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm not sure what you mean, but if you want to increase 'padding' so to
> > speak, you could do something like this:
> >
> > { c d e f? \once
> >  ? \override Staff.BarLine.space-alist.next-note = #'(fixed-space . 5.5)
> >  ? c d e f }
> >
> > See attached.
> >
> > Does this look like what you mean?
> >
> Thank you, but this does not look like I mean. I expanded your example (see 
> attached). As you can see, the first syllable of each bar has a different 
> space to the preceding bar line. I want the same space between the bar line 
> and the following lyrics syllable, not to the next note.

If you insist on keeping the barlines between the staves, then you
need to perform an independent calculation for the first syllable
in each measure, probably in scheme. I can't foresee LP ever
supporting this criterion for lyrics placement.

There are snippets in the repository which involve aligning lyrics,
and these might help you see what's involved in these calculations.
Alternatively, you could have some "potted" definitions for a
sequence of lyric sizes (\threechar, \fivechar, sevenchar,…) and
insert them into your music manually.


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