Dear Emre Pinarbasi,

this is one example of how you could do it:

The upper line is closer to your image (bold text and normal + and /
signs), the lower line is closer to standard music notation (accents +
and '). Of course you can still tweak the look more like your image
(other number font, larger noteheads, etc.).

What do you think about this:


\version "2.19.65"

\new GrandStaff
\with {
  instrumentName = \markup \number \column { 9 4 }
  \omit Score.SystemStartBrace
  \override = #'(-0.01 . 0)
  \override InstrumentName.extra-offset = #'(3 . 0)
  \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-series = #'bold
    Düüm2 Te2 Düüm2
  \new RhythmicStaff
  \with {
    \override TimeSignature.extra-offset = #'(0 . -4.5)
    \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2.5
  \new Voice = "upper" {
    c2-"+" c4-"/" s
    \bar "!"
    \time 5/4
    c2 s2.
  \new RhythmicStaff \with {
    \omit TimeSignature
  \new Voice = "lower" {
    s2. c4^+ s2 c2^! c4
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "lower" {
    Ke Teek Tek

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