Dear Emre,

I will comment my example to make it more understandable. You can also
comment lines to see what changes if you leave them out.

> \version "2.19.65"
> \new GrandStaff

Create a staff group with barlines connecting the staves but without
brace at the start, therefore the \omit below.

> \with {
>   instrumentName = \markup \number \column { 9 4 }

The instrumentName is misused as overall time signature. I was not sure
what the numbers mean in your example, but I guess it's the time
signature, so I used the number font. But you can also use normal serif
or sans-serif fonts.

>   \omit Score.SystemStartBrace
>   \override = #'(-0.01 . 0)

Barlines should only be between the lines and not above and below.

>   \override InstrumentName.extra-offset = #'(3 . 0)

Move the instrumentName (your "time signature") to the vertical center.

> }
> <<
>   \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
>     \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-series = #'bold
>     Düüm2 Te2 Düüm2

The text above the staff. You have to specify the rhythm. It would also
be possible to follow the "upper" voice lyrics. (**)

>   }
>   \new RhythmicStaff
>   \with {
>     \numericTimeSignature

Do not use "C" as a time signature.

>     \override TimeSignature.extra-offset = #'(0 . -4.5)

Move the time signatures from the upper staff down between the staves.

>     \override TextScript.staff-padding = 2.5

Increase the free space between "+" or "/" and the notes such that "+"
and "/" are roughly on the same line. You can increase this padding
further to move them further down.

>   }
>   \new Voice = "upper" {
>     \stemUp
>     c2-"+" c4-"/" s
>     \bar "!"
>     \time 5/4
>     c2 s2.

Your music. Use -"+" and -"/" for plus signs and slashes on notes. \bar
"!" is a dashed bar line. (*)

>   }
>   \new RhythmicStaff \with {
>     \omit TimeSignature

Remove the time signatures from the lower staff. We already have them
from the upper staff

>   }
>   \new Voice = "lower" {
>     \stemDown
>     s2. c4^+ s2 c2^! c4

Your music on the lower staff. This was just for demonstration. You can
use ^"+" and ^"/" instead of ^+ and ^! to get the same appearance as on
the upper staff. (*)

>   }
>   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "lower" {
>     Ke Teek Tek

The words for the lower staff notes. (**)

>   }

You could use this as a template and use variables for your rhythms (*)
and your text (**) to separate the style from the content.

Now your questions:

> 1) Can we write under the notes and on the writings centered on the notes?

You mean between the notes and the text? just add a _"here" to the note:

> 2) Can we move the positions of the marks which + and /, below and above the 
> notes slightly further down and up?

Yes, increase the padding as described above.

> 3) How can we put the slash mark instead of the exclamation mark in the 
> second part?

Just do it the same way: ^"/"

> Could you also write the next passage to better understand the work being 
> done?

Please try it according to the explanation above. You have to add spacer
rests (s) to fill the bars according to their time signature. If there
are open issues. I'm sorry, I don't know how to make every time
signature appear (5/4 twice).


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