On 2/5/2018 8:58 AM, bb wrote:
As I have remarked, that the original long string was the output of a completestest written of a program for a program (therefore the "endless string") of an experimental program, not meant for any publication.

Interesting! Please describe what what the program will do.

Too bad the list wasn't informed of that from the beginning; you would have had better chances of getting good help sooner. The only thing apparent was unformatted code producing undesired results, causing lots of "first fix the formatting" responses.

Imagine two experiments:

Case 1: I set an arbitrary bar (the manual calls it "bar check")
\version "2.19.80"
\relative { d''4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis | }
That enables lilypond to checking the bar content and tells me in this case that the check failed ...
17/16 is > 4/4

Case 2: lilypond is setting the barline on the same position (wrong/critcal, however you might call it)
\version "2.19.80"
\relative { d''4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis  }
The bar content is 17/16>4/4 again and tells NOTHING!
As there is set a barline lilypond can check the bar content and ....
Nobody has explained me why in this case lilypond should not be able to use its algorithm to find 17/16 ? The algorithm is existing - use it for this as well!

Okay, is the 17/16 timing what you actually want? Even more unusual timings have been discussed here, so I have no way of knowing. I also don't know anything about Tab Staffs. But I've tried to format the original code in a way that more of the LilyPond community would expect. Results are attached, works on 2.19.80 here.

If code is only for your own use, or as you say, for an automated process to use internally, you can format it any way you want. But when you want other people to understand it and help fix problems, then they have to be able to understand it.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA
\version "2.19.80"

\new TabStaff {
\set TabStaff.tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
  %\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #(four-string-banjo banjo-c-tuning)
  % 4/4 is the default timing.
  \time 4/4
  % If 17/16 is what you want, use this instead...
  % \time 17/16
  fis'''4\1 f'''4\1 e'''4\1 dis'''4\1 |
  d'''4\1 cis'''4\1 c'''4\1 b''4\1 |
  ais''4\1 a''4\1 gis''4\1 g''4\1 |
  fis''4\1 f''4\1 e''4\1 dis''4\1 |
  d''4\1 cis''\1 c''\1 b'\1 |
  ais'4\1 a'\1 gis'\1 g'\1 |
  fis'4\1 f'4\1 e'\1 dis'\1 |
  d'4\1 dis'''4\2 d'''4\2 cis'''4\2 |
  c'''4\2 b''\2 ais''\2 a''4\2 |
  gis''4\2 g''\2 fis''\2 f''\2 |
  e''4\2 dis''\2 d''\2 cis''\2 |
  c''4\2 b'4\2 ais'\2 a'\2 |
  gis'4\2 g'\2 fis'4\2 f'\2 |
  e'4\2 dis'\2 d'\2 cis'4\2 |
  c'4\2 b\2 b''4\3 ais''4\3 |
  a''4\3 gis''4\3 g''4\3 fis''4\3 |
  f''4\3 e''4\3 dis''4\3 d''4\3 |
  cis''4\3 c''4\3 b'4\3 ais'4\3 |
  a'4\3 gis'\3 g'\3 fis'\3 |
  f'4\3 e'\3 dis'\3 d'\3 |
  cis'4\3 c'\3 b\3 ais\3 |
  a4\3 gis\3 g\3 < a\3 c'\2 d'\1 >4 |
  < ais'\1 gis'\2 f'\3 >8 d\4 dis\4 e\4 f\4 fis\4 g\4 gis\4 |
  a8\4 ais\4 b\4 c'\4 cis'\4 d'\4 dis'\4 e'\4 |
  f'8\4 fis'\4 g'\4 gis'\4 a'\4 ais'\4 b'8\4 c''\4 |
  cis''8\4 fis\4 dis''\4 e''\4 f''\4 fis''\4 g'\5 gis'\5 |
  a'8\5 ais'\5 b'\5 c''\5 cis''\5 d''\5 dis''\5 e''\5 |
  f''8\5 fis''\5 g''\5 gis''\5 a''\5 ais''\5 b''\5 c'''\5 |
  cis'''8\5 d'''\5 dis'''\5 e'''\5 f'''\5 fis'''\5 g'''\5
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