On Tue 06 Feb 2018 at 09:33:41 (+0100), Blöchl Bernhard wrote:
> Am 06.02.2018 03:15, schrieb Andrew Bernard:
> >Hi bb,
> >
> >Do you simply want 17/16? I use times like this very often. Just use
> >time 17/16 and you will get barlines.
> >
> Thank you! This is a possibilty if one really wants 17/16. I do not.
> But lilypond does not serve the sloppy user perfectly from using
> such constructs inattentively - lilypond could do!

So your concern is just for LP to issue warnings about *your*
inattentiveness so you can debug your scores. It doesn't seem to
matter to you that people writing perfectly correct scores are going
to be inundated with false warnings.

You've already brought this up under another thread, and
gave an example of the reason why LP does not issue warnings
unless you add | characters.

> >My hand written pieces often change time sig every bar, and with any
> >sort of signature you like - lilypond handles that just fine, and
> >places barlines as expected. I use 15/16 commonly. Not a problem. And
> >in fact I hide the time signatures (for reasons not relevant to this
> >topic) so you can do that too if you want, and still have barlines.
> For this case I think it's better to \omit the bar check.

Passing over the fact that one doesn't \omit bar checks,
one omits writing | characters as bar checks,
irregular measure lengths would be a particularly good
occasion to employ a | at the end of every measure.


> I find it remarkable that warnings arise "one bar later". I would
> understand this behaviour , if the first bar is not completed and
> there is missing something to fill the bar - bit in this case
> lilypond is not seting a bar line. Butt remeber that the first bar
> is overstuffed by 1/16.

OK, you've made your remark. Could you now turn your attention
to the varieties of musical notation practice.


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