2018-03-25 17:17 GMT+02:00 Paolo Prete <paoloprete...@gmail.com>:
> Hello Thomas,
> Given that the post events attached to a SkipEvent get parents like
> PaperColumn and VerticalAxisGroup, I expect that overriding some of these
> parents' properties shifts the dynamic placed on a skip  event,
> consequently. But this doesn't happen.
> Better said: I don't know which parent could I choose to override in order
> to shift its children's position properties.
> {
>  \override VerticalAxisGroup.X-extent = #'(22 . 0)
>  \override PaperColumn.X-extent = #'(22 . 0)
>  \override VerticalAxisGroup.X-offset = #'(22 . 0)
>  \override PaperColumn.X-offset = #'(22 . 0)
>   s\mf c' c' c'
> }
> More generally: is there a way to shift a vertical axis/column, so that
> associated notes/rests/dynamics/skip-events shift too?
> This would be great...
>> For spacing wishes for single SkipEvents you may use the SpacingSpanner:
>> {
>>   \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 10
>>   s4
>>   \revert Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment
>>   \newSpacingSection
>>   c''2.
>> }
> Doesn't work if the skip event has a dynamics, or a markup etc. ...
>> Cheers,
>>   Harm

As long as you have a SkipEvent without any post-events the
SpacingSpanner-override will affect and move the _following_
That looks fine, imho

As soon as something is attached to a SkipEvent a related PaperColumn
is created and can be tweaked like:

  \overrideProperty Score.PaperColumn.X-extent #'(-20 . 10)


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