Hi All,

I don't think it's case closed yet.

Although this is referring to pdflatex, it directly references problems
with Skim and file notifications in the Mac OS kernel.


There may be something similar in our context with ghostscript etc, and
definitely we don';t know enough about Mac OS internals and files and

Also, allow me to clarify. When I said I cannot reproduce the problem, I
went on to say that Preview is erratic. So in fact, I can reproduce the
problem (apologies for being obtuse!). Preview only updates sometimes after
a compile - this is what I mean by erratic.

It would be interesting to get to the bottom of this matte, but I fear we
are dealing with deep internals issues here, in remote regions normally
untrodden by mortals - the Mac OS kernel.

Skim works for me, but there seems to be something related to large files.
I am trying one line scores, but Kieren I would imagine you have very large
orchestral scores. This could be part of the plot, with file writes we
don't fully have a handle on.

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