Hi Andrew,

> Although this is referring to pdflatex, it directly references problems with 
> Skim and file notifications in the Mac OS kernel.
> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/36504/latexmk-pvc-option-breaks-when-compiling-beamer-class/36585#36585

Nice catch! Yes, that looks promising as a possible root of (or at least 
related to) the issue I experience.

> Preview only updates sometimes after a compile - this is what I mean by 
> erratic.

I noticed that, which is why I originally switched to Skim (which explicitly 
allows updating). Even with the "once in a while stops updating" issue, Skim 
still beats Preview as my main external PDF application when doing my 

> Skim works for me, but there seems to be something related to large files. I 
> am trying one line scores, but Kieren I would imagine you have very large 
> orchestral scores. This could be part of the plot, with file writes we don't 
> fully have a handle on.

Ah! Very astute point. My composing and engraving schedule recently has meant 
that I have only been engraving small files (2-4 pages), and only working with 
files for short periods of time (< 1 hour) — and, if memory serves, I’ve not 
run into the problem lately. I will be tackling some of my bigger files again 
starting next week, and will be working for much longer chunks of time (up to a 
whole work day), and will keep my eyes on the behaviour.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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