Thats it!!

             thanx - steve

> On 2018-05-17 10:22, wrote:
>>         I posted a piece of simplified code to illustrate. This is what
>> the default does
>> isnt 'it??
>> [ . . . ]
>>       the code below prints an extraneous bar in the second alternative
>> at
>> the end.
>> [ . . . ]
>> **************** ***********
>>  \version "2.18.2"
>> music = \relative c''
>> {
>>     \time 3/4
>>     \partial 4 a8 a |
>>     a4 a a |
>>     \repeat volta2
>>     {
>>       b4 b b | b4 b b |
>>     }
>>     \alternative {
>>     { b4 b b | }
>>     { c4 c }
>>     }
>>     \repeat volta 2
>>     {
>>      d8 d | d4 d d |
>>     }
>>     \alternative {
>>     { d4 d }
>>     { e4 e4 e4 }
>>     }
>> }
>> \score { \music }
> Using the snippet you provided and running against 2.19.81, I do not see
> the barline you are seeing.  (See attachment: upbeat-repeat.preview.png)
> It would seem that the newer version handles implicit partial measures
> automatically.
> One option is to use \partial explicitly, however LilyPond 2.18.2 warns
> about this practice.  2.19.81 does not:
> %%%%
>    \repeat volta 2 { d8 d | d4 d d | }
>    \alternative {
>      { \partial 2 d4 d }
>      { e4 e4 e4 | }
>    }
> %%%%
> You could also simply change time signatures secretly:
> %%%%
>    \repeat volta 2 { d8 d | d4 d d | }
>    \alternative {
>      { \omit Score.TimeSignature \time 2/4 d4 d }
>      { \time 3/4 e4 e4 e4 | }
>    }
>    \undo \omit Score.TimeSignature
> %%%%
> That option seems to work in both 2.18.2 and 2.19.81 without any
> warnings.
> -- Aaron Hill_______________________________________________
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