On 24/11/18 22:17, Aaron Hill wrote:
> On 2018-11-24 7:03 am, Michael Gerdau wrote:
>>>> I am curious then as to why it all works fine for me and presumably
>>>> others?
>>>> Sounds like a Mac font problem to me, given my other current experience
>>>> with Alegreya, as initially raised by Kieren.
>>>> Or has 2.19.82 been rebuilt since I downloaded it some time ago?
>>>> I may be wrong!
>>> Just checked, and the PDFs on the site have not been changed and are
>>> still broken.
>> Just looked at the 2.19.82 notation.pdf with my iPhone (read: clearly
>> no lilypond fonts installed locally) and by briefly browsing through
>> it I could not detect any broken images.
>> So I’m not convinced your analysis is completely correct.
> Are you sure you are looking at the 2.19.82 version?  I would be *very*
> surprised to find a PDF viewer that can magically summon fonts from the
> aether, because they are very much not there.
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation.pdf
> Output from pdffonts:
>> pdffonts notation.pdf | grep -iv "builtin" | head -n 10
> name                                 type              encoding        
> emb sub uni object ID
> ------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------
> --- --- --- ---------
> Emmentaler-20                        Type 1            Custom          
> no  no  yes    642  0
> TeXGyreSchola-Italic                 Type 1            WinAnsi         
> no  no  no     645  0
> Emmentaler-Brace                     Type 1            Custom          
> no  no  no     648  0
> Emmentaler-20                        Type 1            Custom          
> no  no  yes    656  0
> TeXGyreSchola-Regular                Type 1            WinAnsi         
> no  no  no     658  0
> Emmentaler-Brace                     Type 1            Custom          
> no  no  no     661  0
> Emmentaler-20                        Type 1            Custom          
> no  no  no     668  0
> Emmentaler-20                        Type 1            Custom          
> no  no  no     678  0
> -- Aaron Hill
> _______________________________________________
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

Following the above link using Firefox 60.3.0esr running under CentOS
7.5.1804 (kernel 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64) fails with "weird" symbols.
 Downloading the file (wget) and viewing through Document viewer (aka
Evince) 3.22.1 also fails in the same way.

J Martin Rushton MBCS

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