Some curly braces seem to help:

\new RhythmicStaff { \Melodie \addlyrics { Once there was a way __ } }

Using \displayMusic shows that use of the variable versus the explicit
\relative produces a different S-expression, but I am not sure where
the fault lies.
I never managed to get the parser to group \addlyrics just with the
desired expressions.  Operator priorities for shift/reduce conflict
resolution are hard to get right, and this is the major case where I did
not manage even though there are several issues and patches trying to
fix it.

Well, to summarize:

In less than an hour after posting a question / potential bug report, there is

- a quick & easy solution provided by an experienced fellow user,

- an explanation and some perspective from the main developer working on that part of the code.

Unbeatable. And on top of this, the excellent quality that LilyPond produces (which is often remarked upon by students & colleagues that see my worksheets containing lots of Lilypond music examples). It's simply wonderful to work with this program - thanks so much!


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