On 3/6/2019 12:02 PM, AKSHITA TYAGI wrote:
What I think is that it should work on more languages. Like India, Chinese etc these are the countries that are really found of music and use of Lilypond would increase if it is available in more languages.

More translations sounds like a welcome effort. There is already one listed for Chinese. <http://lilypond.org/index.zh.html> But I am not aware of anything currently being done for any of India's languages.

I am thinking that a translation project also needs ongoing maintenance work, as new material gets added to LilyPond. A GSoC project would be just a starting point.

And it will be fun to see musical notations to music. like one form his/her own notations on Lilypond and it is translated to real music.
Please let me know what you think about the ideas.

LilyPond currently has MIDI output, which other tools can convert to audio or even video formats. "Translating to real music" - can you further explain what result you want to have?

For other kinds of Asian notation, LilyPond has seen some work for Chinese Jianpu notation, and a request for Bengali Swaralipi is currently "shelved" for lack of resources.


Karlin High
Missouri, USA

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