On Fri 08 Mar 2019 at 17:45:00 (+0530), AKSHITA TYAGI wrote:
> Hi
> Lilypond allows you to get the notations for the real music.

Does it? When I hear real music (J) and want a score (S), I either
transcribe it into LilyPond (L) by hand, or look for a printed score
from a publisher, or look at sources like IMSLP or CPDL for a download.

> I was thinking of a new feature for users -
> Allowing them to create a new music.

That's what I call composition, but somehow I don't think that's what
you're talking about. "New music" isn't in my list of definitions so
you need to define what you mean by it.

> With notations, it would be new and innovative way, which can catch
> everyone's attention.

That statement doesn't say whether the notations (again, not in my list)
are new or the music is new, nor what you mean by "new".

> On Thu, Mar 7, 2019, 11:59 PM Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> wrote:
> > Am 7. März 2019 16:54:33 MEZ schrieb David Wright 
> > <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk>:
> > >On Thu 07 Mar 2019 at 19:32:27 (+0530), AKSHITA TYAGI wrote:
> > >> I mean like there are files in MIDI and for that we can get
> > >notations.
> > >> But we can also use those stored notations as input and get real
> > >music as
> > >> output.
> > >> Like we give 2 options-
> > >> 1.music to notations (the usual one)
> > >> 2.notations to music- In which we can give user the notations to
> > >enter and
> > >> he/she will get to listen to the music generated by those notations.
> > >
> > >I'm getting very confused by the terminology in this thread.
> > >So far we have:
> > >
> > >MIDI files
> > >notations (stored)
> > >real music
> > >music
> > >notation (given) to enter to something
> > >translations of notations (stored)
> > >audio
> > >lyrics
> > >suggestions of notations (popping up)
> > >
> > >I understand the following:
> > >
> > >M) MIDI files with the filename foo.mid or foo.midi
> > >L) LilyPond source with the filename foo.ly
> > >P) LilyPond program source with filenames like foo.scm and bar.ly
> > >                        (leaving aside binaries)
> > >S) Scores, varying from a Bach manuscript to printed editions of the
> > >same
> > >J) Real music which I hear in the concert hall or off the radio/MP3
> > >player
> > >G) Synthesised music which I hear when I play MIDI files on various
> > >devices
> > >
> > >LilyPond can do L→S and L→M using various fragments of P.
> > >Frescobaldi does much the same, displaying L and S on the screen.
> > >midi2ly does M→basic L, and I've tried Rosegarden for this too.
> > >
> > >I think programs exist that can turn a scanned S into a proprietary
> > >program's version of L, say, a .sib file.
> >
> > More generally: from scanned sheet music to MusicXML, from which it can be
> > converted to LilyPond source files. Both steps need manual proofreading.

I'm happy with the proofreading: I can proofread by ear (using process
S→(software)→XML→L→M) much more easily than I can type from S→L. But
I don't know of any FOSS programs to fill that (software) slot.


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