And my idea was that a copy of jedit with lilypond preinstalled
might be a good candidate to include in this environment. :-)


Libero Mureddu wrote:
Il giorno 28/feb/05, alle 13:17, Mats Bengtsson ha scritto:

Take a look at the text editor jedit, which has very good support
for LilyPond, see Editor-support.html

Thanks, but I know and use jedit, my suggestion was about creating an environment that doesn't need any external software, thinking to the the "lazy" mac user :-)


Libero Mureddu wrote:

In my impression should be like MacCsound (, Csound is a text environment for electronic music, it runs on a command line, but the version for mac provides a very simple text editor ready for syntax, correction of mistakes and some GUI elements (that lily doesn't need), and the binary is catched inside the "app" package.
So, my suggestion is: why don't give a package that contains a VERY simple and light (but useful for lily) text editor and a series of button for the main operations (run lily, start pdf viewer, midi etc).
I'm thinking to avoid the problem of downloading a text editor, setting it to lily mode, to be full of instruction a bit cryptical (for the musician).
I've finished a html version of the installation instruction for mac x with the corrections that some users nicely sent to me. It is based on the macos page on the lily website
Let me know if is it ok.
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LilyPond on MacOS X
* Download and install X11, Apple XCode and X11SDK
* Download and install Fink
* If necessary, enable unstable tree
* Be connected to internet
* Know your administrator password
1) Install X11
Install X11 from Panther's third cd or downloading from Apple website:
You will need an Apple ID, see next section.
2) Install Apple XCode
* Go to
* Follow the instructions to get a free online membership to Apple
Developer Connection
* Download the Xcode Tools 1.5 - CD Image
* Install Xcode and the X11SDK.pkg
3) Install Fink
* From download the
Binary Installer.
Briefly, Fink is a software that allows you to easily install software originally developed on linux environment, to Mac OS X; this software is already modifyied (ported) in order to run on Macintosh.
Fink will install itself and all the software in a new folder alled "sw"If you want to move the /sw folder to another position, check:
If you don't know nothing about linux, terminal etc, two goods starting point are, to understand why lilypond is a free software and what this means, and, to understand how to use the terminal.
4) Fink or FinkCommander
FinkCommander is provided together with Fink, and it is a graphic interface to use Fink.
After you have installed Fink, remember to give, from the terminal, the following commands:
"fink selfupdate" and "fink update-all"
or with FinkCommander,
menu "Source -> selfupdate-rsync" and
menu "Source -> Update-all
5) Stable-Unstable tree
To enable unstable tree and use the developers version, with a text editor edit /sw/etc/fink.conf and add "unstable/crypto unstable/main" to the "Trees" line.
You need to open it with administrator privileges. Ex "sudo pico /sw/etc/fink.conf"
>From FinkCommander's preferences -> Fink, you can enable unstable and crypto packages.
6) Install Lilypond
* From the terminal, type "fink install lilypond" or "fink install
lilypond-unstable" if you
want to use developer version.
Fink will install also libraries and other software required.
If you need to continue to work it is better that you give the following command: "nice fink install lilypond", the compilation will be done at a lower priority than any other operation.
After the download, starts the compilation stage: at the first installation on lilypond it can takes quite long time it depends on the machine. It can be one hour or more.
At the end of this stage a message within the terminal will inform you
that lilypond has been succesfully installed.
7) First test
* Open TextEdit
* Check uf the new file is called "untitled.txt" otherwhise go to
Preferences and select the "text only" feature, and uncheck the
options "Append .txt extension to plain text files".
In the image, you can see how your preferences should appear.
This is because lilypond need text-only file (usually they are with the extension .txt) but with the .ly extension.
* Write the following line:
{ c'4 e' g' }
* save it to the desktop with the name
* Open the terminal and type: lilypond Desktop/ and press enter
* After the process is finished, go to your desktop and you will
find various
"foo" files with different extension.
* Double-click the foo.pdf file and you will see the music.
8) How to get help
Help in Lilypond is provided by the lilypond-user mailing list.
* Before to send an e-mail, try to find an answer looking inside
the mailing-list-archive,
maybe another user had the same problem
* Search the Lilypond and the Fink documentations
* Search with Google <>
* If nothing helped you, send an e-mail to the lilypond-user
mailing list!
In the message, please remember to put which machine you are using, wich is your operative system, and wich version of Lilypond you are using.
To check the version, type in the terminal: "lilypond -v" and press enter.
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Libero Mureddu
Vanha Viertotie, 21 As. 429
00350 Helsinki - Finlandia
Tel. +358-9-5808429
Mob. +358-41-7702668
Via Abbiati, 4
20148 Milano - Italia
Tel. +39-02-4075953
Mob. +39-339-8757587
---------------------------------------------------------------------- --
lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260

Libero Mureddu
Vanha Viertotie, 21 As. 429
00350 Helsinki - Finlandia
Tel. +358-9-5808429
Mob. +358-41-7702668

Via Abbiati, 4
20148 Milano - Italia
Tel. +39-02-4075953
Mob. +39-339-8757587

lilypond-user mailing list

-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: =============================================

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