Sorry for being short: what you say is very much hiw I meant it but not all. I'll clarify later but am currently on the road. Maybe tonight of tomorrow.
Am 30. Oktober 2019 12:09:37 MEZ schrieb Karsten Reincke <>: >Dear Urs; > >many thanks for your clever thoughts! You brought up a very seductive >argument, >which I therefore will only summarize here for being sure that I've >understood you >correctly. May I condense your line of argumentation in the following >way? > >You point out that there could be a function in a GPL licensed snippet >which only >modifies the apperance of a score. Such a function does not concern the >music >itself. And therefore, the copyleft effect is not applied of the music. > >Then it seems that you try to generalize your argumentation: Every >piece of >LilyPond code describing the music score does not not concern the >music, but only >the appearance. Hence the, the copyleft effect can not be applied to >any results >of the LilyPond compilation process (the pdfs, pngs, ...) > >Please tell me, whether I got your point or not. Again, it seems to >seductive and >I want to consider it a bit longer, before I will answer > >best regards karsten -- Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Gerät mit K-9 Mail gesendet.