Robert Blackstone wrote:

> I’m presently transcribing some piano-scores in which schords,
> sustained with a pedal are notated in a way had not seen before
> (see screenshot).

Referring to that original screenshot, surely there is no pedal here. The pedal would blur what the right hand is doing.

This is much more likely laissezvibrer asking for the lefthand fifth to be allowed to resonate to the sounds produced by the right hand. It wants the keys kept pressed even when the initial pp may have decayed to pppp.

> Anyway, I found something that gave me a result, not quite identical
> to what I wanted to get, but good enough for me and probably
> sufficiently clear for a pianist. See the attached screenshot.

That wouldn't be good enough for me.

In sightreading mode I would glimpse that in the lefthand there is nothing at the start of the second measure, and so would release the fifth sooner than is intended.

In sightreading mode I would ignore the middle of the second measure.
It is only in the context of this thread that I can guess what is meant.

I think there should be something tie-like (complete or open) crossing from the first measure to the second.


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