Hi Aaron, Mark, Kieren and Rutger,

Many thanks for your solutions for my “Laissez vibrer”-problem.
I’m very impressed by your "LilyPond -creativity”.
Introducing  my notes into your examples works perfectly.
Unfortunatly, introducing your codes into my scores either does not change 
anything, when I use my own score-definition, or they do not compile when I use 
yours, or better, the crucial elements of your scores. 
I’ve spent hours to find and try to remove the causes of the errors, to no 

I use “my score” for all of my piano transcriptions, and so far the only thing 
that sometimes fails is connecting arpeggio’s but I know the remedy.
Maybe I should mention that I use TeXShop as my editor. 

So, in the end, I will stay with my own tweaks that resulted in a, for me, 
acceptable notation, as in the screenshot I attached in my mail of a few days 

Thanks again. 

Best regards, Robert

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