Hello to all,

this is a first TEST pre-beta-beta (etc. etc.) version of a graphic editor
entirely in Javascript and generated by Lilypond itself. Made mainly for
fun in my spare time.
This GUI editor extends the functionality that I had experimented with the
snippet published a few days ago for the tuning of curves through the mouse


At the moment, in addition to the tuning of curves and beams, it is
possible to position texts, dynamics and articulations. The code is
designed to be easily extended, in order to add other objects to be
positioned, in addition to the ones mentioned above: I created a template
and a javascript API that allows this. For now, however, I still need to
test what has been implemented before adding more features.

Unlike the previous script, there is no need for copy and paste: the editor
offers a textarea that is automatically updated following mouse actions,
plus a button for compiling .ly files.

You can make any changes you want. Save / compile and go on modifying: the
functions requested by Urs have therefore been implemented.

It should be simple to use (a mini how-to is on the project's Github
homepage and in the example .ly file).

Everything is ready to be tried.
Please use version 2.19.83 for testing. At the moment I cannot provide
support for other versions.
Furthermore, in order to allow the editor to compile the Lilypond files, I
created a Python script which is also included in the project, and which
communicates with the editor by executing the compile command after
pressing the "compile" button. This script has been tested on Linux, but
should be compatible with other operating systems.
Finally: everything has been tested on Firefox and Chrome browsers: I do
not guarantee operation on other browsers, for now.

Of course, I need your help to continue all this. Thanks to everyone who
helped me with the Scheme part: now I need new support, because in the next
weeks I won't have much time.

In particular I need a person who does code cleaning for both Javascript
and Scheme. But above all, there is a need to test all this as much as
possible. Only in this way this project will have a future. If this works,
the next feature will be adding point-and-click.

And if this works, I would be glad if it could appear in openlilylib
project (waiting for Urs' feedback)


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