El 19/3/20 a las 19:07, Pablo Cordal escribió:
> Hi,
> I'm doing the easy first test with this issue. I created a file a.ly
> <http://a.ly> and put it in c:
> When I run the command prompt lilypond doesn't find the file (I attach
> the results).
> Anybody knows what am I doing wrong?
> Regards
> Pablo

It's easier if you put the file in c:\Users\ana

and then just

C:\Users\ana> lilypond a.ly

because all the fuss with slashes, escaping and folders are a source of problems.

maybe c: should be C: instead, for example. I don't know

Francisco Vila, Ph.D. - Badajoz (Spain)
paconet.org , lilypond.es

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