> Le 19 mai 2020 à 16:42, Valentin Villenave <valen...@villenave.net> a écrit :
> On 5/19/20, Jacques Menu <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch> wrote:
>> This doesn’t change the position of the rests in measure 2, since there’s a
>> single voice playing then.
> Well, yes: as I said, it doesn’t work yet.  (And the way it’s
> currently written, I suspect it would require some fairly substantial
> changes.  Or perhaps a whole new Scheme engraver; I’m tempted to look
> into it because it would certainly be quite useful.)
> On 5/19/20, Jacques Menu <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch> wrote:
>> This dates back to four years ago, when I started working on xml2ly...
>> Thanks for pointing this enhancement out!
> Huh, the
>    \tempo "text" dur = bpm
> actually dates back to 2008 (it was implemented by Reinhold precisely
> for musicxml2ly, and then I added a few additional features a couple
> years later).  It’s been available since 2.12.

Actually my code handles more complex tempo marks, and this simple case pays 
the price for that.
Will fix that, thanks!


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