On Thursday, June 25, 2020, Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:

> Le 25/06/2020 à 00:58, Paolo Prete a écrit :
> Hi Harm,
> Then Pierre, who is the creator of the snippet and joined this thread, will
> decide what to do.
> Best,
> P
> Hi Paolo,
> I still highly encourage you to fill an issue at
> https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues
> Judging from piano-pedal-engraver.cc, the main authors of the code
> used for piano pedals are Jan, Erik Sandberg and Chris Jackson. None
> of them is currently active on LilyPond as far as I know. It certainly
> isn't a blocker, but the issue isn't trivial either as you mentioned.
> Mailing list threads are volatile: people who are currently on holiday, or
> busy, or who will join development in months or years won't read them.
> This is why an issue is the way to go. I didn't open one because I thought
> you'd want to do it, but someone else can go ahead if you prefer.
> Cheers,
> Jean

 Hi Jean,

Given that

1) fixing this issue requires a not trivial change and the authours of the
code are no longer active

2) this issue, as the replies of this thread show, is not considered a
major one (as I instead do; and I'm still convinced that a pedal Bracket
without a cautionary text is unusable / unpresentable) but it appears more
or less as an "enhancement"

If you sum 1 + 2 chances that the reported issue will be developed are ~ 0.

So, in order to produce a concrete result, at least the point 2) should be
accepted / understood. This is what I tried to do, but the thread seems to
go in the opposite way. This is why I think that opening a ticket would be
unuseful for now and I did not open it. But if you think it could be
useful, be free (of course) to open it ...


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