Good going! I have the Bravura font working on Windows 10 Pro 1909 and Lilypond 2.21.1. But in the project I tried, I asked for Aiken head notes and didn't get them.


Small example attached. Does anyone know if Bravura has Aiken head notes? Or what font viewer could be used to check, since the Windows one only shows text and not music symbols.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA
\version "2.21.1"
  #(define fonts
      #:music "BMusicFont"
      #:brace "profondo"
      #:roman "Academico"

\include "bmusicdefinitions.ily"

  title = "Aiken Bravura Test"
  composer = "me"
  poet = "also me"

\score {

    c'4 d' e' f' |
    g'2 a' |
    b'1 |

  \layout {
    \context { \Score \bravuraOn } 

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