Hi :)

In case you didn't read my original post:

I am creating a score for a piece of H. Schütz with Lilypond 2.2.5 (with Fink on Mac). When setting this old kind of music it is often better to not use a standard Choirstaff, but to use the bar lines only between the bars. As far as I know this is quite common in late renaissance and early baroque vocal music.

So I used a StaffGroup and set the Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##t.
Since I needed repeat signs, I had to be able to put the transparency off to avoid losing the repeat signs themselves.
The result: I have a part that shows the bar lines between the staves only, except for the repeat signs.
One detail: for the repeat signs I used \bar ":|" instead of \repeat volta. It doesn't seem to make a difference for this problem though.

One problem remains: the lyrics are running into the bar lines. In the documentation I found that adding the Bar_engraver to the Lyrics context would avoid this. This works, but it adds barlines below the last staff and prints the repeat sign : -- : on the Lyrics height. Trying to avoid that, I used \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t, but this leaves a hole in the vertical repeat bar line.

Any idea how to be able to avoid lyric-bar line-collisions without having to nudge each lyric into the right position?

Thanks in advance :)



Op 2-apr-05 om 20:20 heeft Graham Percival het volgende geschreven:

On 31-Mar-05, at 3:19 AM, Maurits Lamers wrote:

Hi all,

Still one question though.

I tried Score.BarLine #'transparent = ##t, but that worked too well.
The repeat sign I wanted to show, didn't show, even when I set it to false before \bar.

So I changed it into Staff.BarLine and disabled it just before the repeat sign and enabling it afterwards.
Worked perfectly.

Since I am making a choir piece for 5 voices I wanted to add the Bar_engraver to the Lyric context so that the bar lines between the staves didn't collide with the lyrics. But that didn't worked out the way I intended, because the repeat sign now showed both in the bar and the lyric line. Setting the bar lines to transparent in the lyric context only created a blank in the thick bar between the staves.
I even tried to add the Span_bar_engraver instead, but that didn't do anything.

Anyone an idea how to keep the bar lines and lyrics from colliding while keeping the normal repeat signs in the part ?

I don't understand -- if you use a ChoirStaff, then bar lines aren't drawn where the lyrics
are printed. Why play all the games with invisible bar lines and moving engravers around?

\version "2.5.17"
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Staff { c'4 d' e' f' g' a' b' c'}
    \addlyrics {foo foo foo foo bar }
    \new Staff { c'4 d' e' f' g' a' b' c'}
    \addlyrics {foo foo foo foo bar }

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