Am So., 12. Juli 2020 um 13:46 Uhr schrieb David Kastrup <>:

> Skips aren't grobs, are they?

Regrettable, this is showstopper.
The new spanner-grob I try to code, should be able to pass skips
(unless forced to behave differently).
In some regard it's like Glissando:
{ b1\glissando s1 \new Voice { d' } b'' }
Here the Glissando passes s1 _and_ \new Voice { d' }.

I want my spanner to pass s1, but stop at \new Voice { d' }.
>From 'busyGrobs alone I can't distinguish between them.
Thus I stay with calculating end-moments of rhythmic-events (which
includes skips).
MultiMeasureRests are already special-cased anyway.

Many thanks,

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