
Le mar. 25 août 2020 à 17:09, Claire Meyer
<claire.meyer.bourhis.lilyp...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi,
> Let me preface with the fact that I'm not sure that a system is what I think 
> it is, for me, it's a "line" of all the staves of my score.
> I'm using lyluatex to embed my music within a latex file, and on page 3, the 
> inter-system spacing seems off to me. Especially, I feel like I could fit 
> four systems on that page, and I only fit three, while on page 2 lyluatex 
> fits four systems without problem. On one hand, the systems have roughly the 
> same height, on the other hand, it might be that the four systems together 
> are just too big of a teeny tiny bit.
> If someone could confirm that I can do nothing about it, or on the contrary, 
> how to make it fit the four systems, I'd be very grateful :)

You could try playing with the "global" size setting:
#(set-global-staff-size 19)

The default is "20" (IIRC); by reducing it slightly (as above),
the layout might become nicer...


> Claire

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