Hi Thomas,

thank you for your interest in this very constructive discussion with Aaron!
> in general I'm more with Aaron.
> P.e., I have no clue which default text one could think of for
> TextSpanner's left/right-text!?

Exactly, me neither. Forcing the default to be empty text without giving the 
user the chance to give input right there where the music is, is almost as 
undesirable as having “left text” and “right text” as defaults that you have to 
manually override.
> Otoh, I'd wish we'd have a LilyPond-data-structure to assign a list of
> key/value pairs in ly-syntax to a variable. Right now we can do so at
> top-level, in layout, paper and \with.

In principle, I would support this as well.
> That said, find attached a TempoSpanner-coding.
> I'm not sure it's the best approach at all. For sure there's wide room
> for improvements.
> Probably the best one could say: it's a proof of concept.

Wow! I can’t wait to start playing with this! I’ll certainly report later, 
perhaps in a different thread, my observations. Thank you!

Best regards,
On 20. Sep 2020, 13:02 +0200, Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>, wrote:
> That

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