On Sun, 20 Sep 2020 at 13:03, Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>
> Hi Martin,
> in general I'm more with Aaron.
> P.e., I have no clue which default text one could think of for
> TextSpanner's left/right-text!?
> Otoh, I'd wish we'd have a LilyPond-data-structure to assign a list of
> key/value pairs in ly-syntax to a variable. Right now we can do so at
> top-level, in layout, paper and \with.
> That said, find attached a TempoSpanner-coding.
> I'm not sure it's the best approach at all. For sure there's wide room
> for improvements.
> Probably the best one could say: it's a proof of concept.


Great! Could you add this to issue 3176 (a proof of concept is not yet a
proper solution, but is anyway better than nothing, especially for a 7
years old issue)?

Thank you!


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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