On 2020-10-19 2:45 pm, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
You can ignore the warning that shows up (https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/3613).
You can avoid the warning by using the @ syntax: %%%% eval-scope.ly %%%% \version "2.20.0" #(format #t "\nvalue = ~s" (false-if-exception (@ (guile-user) value))) %%%% ====
lilypond eval-scope.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.20.0 Processing `eval-scope.ly' Parsing... value = #f Success: compilation successfully completed
lilypond -e "(define-public value 123)" eval-scope.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.20.0 Processing `eval-scope.ly' Parsing... value = 123 Success: compilation successfully completed ==== -- Aaron Hill