On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 23:27:21 +0200
Antonio PALAMA' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wrote another conversion program from midi to lilypond 
>  (www.nongnu.org/mi2ly) and would be interested in trying it on one of
>  the midifiles you were not able to translate with midi2ly.
>  Unfortunately the program is not yet able to process chords nor
>  multiple voices per track.

I am also working on a midi file translator. It is currently written for
Philips Music Writer but I'm planning to let it output lilypond code
instead. (Perhaps modularize it so it can be used for a number of
midi2ascii tasks).

It does do chords and automatic splitting of notes and rests at
barlines. The thing is left is quantization (it works only on already
quantized midi files now) and detection of tuplets (have no idea how to
do that!).

The whole point with this program is the following feature, which isn't
implemented yet: the ability to map arbitrary midi data to notation. i.e
you could say for example "if midictrl #77 goes over treshold 43, then
prefix all following notes with SOME_STRING until midictrl goes below
treshold". The thought is to be able to work with algorithmic
composition (with for example http://kymatica.com/kyce) where the output
of algorithms isn't locked to pitch and duration, but also allows you to
embed articulations, slurs, flageolettes, etc...

I'm downloading your program right now, maybe I'll learn something about
quantization and tuplets.. =)

/Jonatan    -=( http://kymatica.com )=-

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