Hey guys, it is Darkijah - just wanted to upload everything made, if
anyone wanna rip anything out of it or reuse it for whatever :)
I still need some help on the automatically script for the Tin Whistle D
- although I am still trying to sort out every note that is possible on
the instrument, or at least the one I have. Somewhat harder to point out
the higher notes of fingering.
So if anyone wanna help me with the Script, I already have some trial
scripts, but they do not fully do what I want - I want them to be able
to make unique fingering for 3 octaves!!! :) I have done the fingering
on a lot of the notations, but I still have some to work out.
It not moving as quick as I wanted but it is moving, little by little -
albeit slowly it feels. I really need a English forum for this - and if
I get my money supply sorted out, I'm thinking of setting up a English
Lilypond forum if anyone wanna moderate it that would be great. I can
see they have one in German, and the Forum would be based either on SMF
as the German or most likely on ElkArte which is a fork that is mobile
ready and good to go.
I still need to work on some theming on the Elk-Arte, it would take a
months to seriously get sorted, time I don't have - but at least I can
set it up and start from there. lpf.something I think would be a good
address, you guys rather wanna have the whole name in it? lpf would be
easy to put into the browser and go.
Anyway... I'll post the files I have for now, 1 script are included for
coloring the notation, the other is the whistle "book" which is still in
progress - the Whistle script is.... well used for another work, of
cause it all needs to be united at some point - but with an automatid
script and all the notations sorted down and colors, that should be a
breeze. At the moment, I have just tried to gather some known children
songs, sorted the notes and lyrics to my liking. Lots of ideas, and a
long way - everything will of cause always be free.
If one ever would release the book in physical form, the front should
say, don't by the book - download it for free! :P Well, let time speak
on how far I get with it, tend to fail in my started projects as there
is so many and things takes a lot of time
Another idea is to make a XMPP Room for English Lilypond users as well,
I call it Birdie and it is free and open - although I never got to sort
out the client on my webpage fully, but that is another project I need
to finish at some point. So one can easily connect without having any
client on the computer itself. http://jesusisgodalmighty.life/birdie.php
is my client, although some issues with colors and all - but it works,
it can connect and all... But something I need to finish at some point,
as so many other things.
But a Birdie Room would be a quick help for minor issues and quick chat
for Lilypond users who want to interact quick and easy and wanna share
pictures, video and what not for easy and quick help back and forth :)
Let me upload my files for the Whistle book and the colors. Work in
progress, but overall... looks like something! Some Danish some English
Songs in it... Not really sorted, but all of them should be played as
Midi files now, although I have not sorted out if one can make a name
unto the file in the midi box itself. Would be nice, as I just have
these 0 1 2 3 for the melodies and it is not that easy to remember which
on is which and can see it becoming a greater problem the more I get.
Anyway, enjoy - but... I really need an English Forum - this mail list
is way to complicated for me to sort out and if the Germans can do it...
- Darkijah
\version "2.22.1" \language "english" \include "SC.ly" %Whistle/Penny/Tin/Meg
High D Book
%Rainbow Script:
#(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
#(define (color-list? x)
(and (list? x)
(every color? x)))
#(define-markup-command (rainbow layout props colors text)
(color-list? string?)
(let* ((chars (string->list text))
(atomic-strings (map string chars)))
(interpret-markup layout props
(map make-with-color-markup
(apply circular-list colors)
%Rainbow end
%Box Script for https://JesusGod-Pope666.Info
#(define-markup-command (on-color layout props color arg) (color? markup?)
(let* ((stencil (interpret-markup layout props arg))
(X-ext (ly:stencil-extent stencil X))
(Y-ext (ly:stencil-extent stencil Y)))
(ly:stencil-add (ly:make-stencil
(list 'color color
(ly:stencil-expr (ly:round-filled-box X-ext Y-ext 0))
X-ext Y-ext)) stencil)))
%Box ending
title = \markup
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% specify color or Black: \with-color #(rgb-color 0 0 0) or paper brown
#(rgb-color 0.941 0.89 0.745)
\with-color #(rgb-color 0.0 0.0 0.0)
% specify size (Left . Right) (down . up)
\filled-box #'(-0 . 103) #'(-0.9 . 2.7) #0
\fontsize #-1 \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green" "lightblue" "blue"
"Flojte sangbog til Bornene // Whistle song book to the Children"
%subtitle = \markup { \fontsize #-3 "" }
%meter = "Af Ã
nden og Darkijah //"
arranger = \markup { \with-color #blue "Af Ã
nden og Darkijah // By the Spirit
and Darkijah - 2021 :"
\rotate #-0.3 \on-color #(rgb-color 0 0 0) \pad-markup #0.05
\rotate #-0.3 \on-color #(rgb-color 1 0 0) \pad-markup #0.05
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\rotate #-0.3 \on-color #(rgb-color 1 0.804 0) \pad-markup #0.05
\rotate #-0.3 \on-color #(rgb-color 0 1 0) \pad-markup #0.05
\rotate #-0.3 \on-color #(rgb-color 0.298 0.855 0.988) \pad-markup #0.05
\rotate #-0.3 \on-color #(x11-color 'blue) \pad-markup #0.05
\rotate #-0.3 \on-color #(rgb-color 0.6 0 0.9) \pad-markup #0.05
\rotate #-0.3 \on-color #(rgb-color 0.98 0.98 0.98) \pad-markup #0.2
%copyright = \markup { \fontsize #-1 "Sandhed som Frelsen er ikke solgt for
grisk mammon men givet frit igennem Jesu blod! https://lilypond.org"}
%tagline = \markup { \fontsize #-1 "Kopilås er af Djævlen - næstekærlighed
deler - denne information er altid i det offentlige rum.
https://frescobaldi.org"} %Music engraving by LilyPond 2.22.1--www.lilypond.org
- - for clean: ##f
%copyright = "Truth like Salvation is not sold for greedy mammon but giving
freely through Christ blood!"
tagline = ##f %tagline = "Copyright is of the Devil - Sharing is Caring - This
information is always in public domain" %Music engraving by LilyPond
2.22.1--www.lilypond.org - - for clean: ##f
} \markup { \vspace #0.0 } %\paper { markup-system-spacing #'basic-distance =
#50} test at some point
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4")
top-margin = 3 %default 5
left-margin = 20 %default 10
right-margin = 10 %default 10
bottom-margin = 9 %default 6
print-page-number = yes
\score {
\relative {
a'4 a a a
a4 a a\ff a
\layout {
\context {
\override Stem.thickness = #4.0
\score {
\new Staff {
\new Voice \with { \override Stem.thickness = #4.0 }
\relative {
a'4 a a a
a4 a a a
\layout { indent = 0 #(layout-set-staff-size 24)
\override Stem.thickness = #2 %1.3 default
\override NoteHead.font-size = #4
\override NoteHead.color = #color-notehead
\override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
\override LyricText.font-size = #0.7 %1
\override Staff.Clef.color = #(rgb-color 0.4 0.4 0.4)
\context {
\consists "Custos_engraver"
\override Custos.style = #'mensural \override Custos.color = #(x11-color
'grey0) \override Custos #'neutral-position = #20
\remove "Time_signature_engraver" %\override TimeSignature #'stencil =
%\override BarLine.X-extent = #'(-2 . 0)
%{ Different lines, which one can test! :)
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup { \fontsize #4 \bold \with-color #grey {
\markup { \vspace #0 }
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
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\markup { \draw-hline}
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\markup \column { \override #'(angularity . 2) \draw-squiggle-line #0.7 #'(100
. 0) ##t }
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
line = \markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\line \markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {
Rom Rom Rom din båd - Når du ser de Romerske Papister i aktion for Roma
} %toilet
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {
Rome Rome Rome your boat - When you see the Roman Papist in Action for the Roma
} %toilet
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} %%flute - - piccolo
\relative c'' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
\markup {Melody: Row row row your boat - \italic Normal} 4 = 120
d4. d d4 e8 fs4. \bar "|"
fs4 e8 fs4 g8 a2. \breathe \bar "|" \break
d8[d d] \bar "|"
a[a a] \bar "|"
fs[fs fs] \breathe \bar "|"
\break d[d d] \bar "|"
a'4 g8 fs4 e8 d2. \breathe \bar ":|." }
\addlyrics {
Rom Rom Rom din båd,
med den blo -- dig strøm,
Mor -- de -- risk,
Mor -- de -- risk,
Mor -- de -- risk,
Mor -- de -- risk,
alt for An -- ti -- krist. }
\addlyrics { \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color 'grey40)
Rome Rome Rome your boat,
Down the bloo -- dy stream,
Mur -- der -- ly,
Mur -- der -- ly,
Mur -- der -- ly,
Mur -- der -- ly,
all for An -- ti -- christ. }
>> \layout { } \midi { } }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:} Rom er Skøgen der sidder på de 7 hoveder af
Dyrets autoritet med tallet 666 som går til grunde en dag, omend Satans sæde
foresætter endtil Kristus kommer og kaster ham i Ildsøen. - MELOITHIA, Greek
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Pave Pave gå din vej - Toilet Sang til Antikrist
666, når du udskider den ildelugtende pølse!}
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Pope Pope go away - Toliet Song for Antichrist 666,
when your pressing out the foul smelly turd!}
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} %%flute - - piccolo
\relative c''' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
\markup {Melody: Rain rain go away - \italic Normal } 4 = 120
a4 fs a8[a] fs4 \breathe \bar "|" a8[a] fs[b] a8[a] fs4 \breathe \bar "|" g8[g]
e[e] g[g] e4 \breathe \bar "|" a8[g] fs[e] fs[d] d4 \breathe \bar ":|."
\addlyrics {
Pave Pave gå din vej,
vi har ik -- ke brug for dig,
fuld af løgn og ond -- skabs værk,
Pøl -- le Pøl -- le pres ham ud!}
\addlyrics { \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color 'grey40)
Pope pope go a -- way,
We don't need you a -- ny -- way,
Full of lies and wic -- ked works,
Poo -- pie Poo -- pie press him out! }
>> \layout { } \midi { } }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:}
Pope can be replaced with Poop to not break the command of Christ to not call
anyone Father on Earth!
Pave kan erstattes af Pølse eller Dølse så man ikke fejlagtigt kalder
Antikrist 666 for fader.
Check 2 stavelser.
fuld af løgn og bedrag,
Pølse Dølse gå in vej/ud med dig. pøl's pøl's pres den ud.
pølle pølle ud med dig!
pølse Pølse
press him out
out with you
go a -- way.
we press him out
La la la laa laa
na na na naa naa
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Se min klædning - Kærlighed til Loven og ham der
gav den!}
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {See my clothing - Love for the Law and he who gave
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} %%flute - - piccolo - -
english horn
\relative c''' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
\markup {Melody: Se min kjole - \italic Normal } 4 = 100
g4 g a a fs8[ fs e fs] g4 b \breathe \bar "|" g g8[g8] a4 a fs8[ fs e fs] g2
\breathe \bar "|" b4 b8[d] c4 c a8[ b c a] b4 g \breathe \bar "|" g g a a fs8[
fs e fs] g2 \breathe \bar ":|."
\addlyrics {
Se min klæd -- ning det er blåt som him -- len
Alt hvad jeg hus -- ker er Je -- ho -- vah's lov
Det er for -- di jeg el -- sker al -- le lo -- ve.
og for -- di at Kris -- tus er min ven.
\addlyrics { \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color 'grey40)
See my clo -- thing it is blue like hea -- ven,
All to re -- mem -- ber is Je -- ho -- vah's law,
That is be -- cause I lo -- ove all com -- mand -- ments,
And be -- cause that Je -- sus is my friend.
>> \layout { } \midi { } }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:} Yderligere info: alle lovbud regler love bude}
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Jesus Kristi - Til Mohammadanerne og andre på
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Jesus Christ - For Mohammadans and others on the
wrong way.}
\score {
\relative c''' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
\markup {Melody: Mester Jabob // Frere Jacques - \italic Normal } 4 = 120
g4 a b g \bar ":|." r128 \breathe \bar
".|:" b4 c d2 \bar ":|." r128 \breathe \bar ".|:" \break
d8[ e] d[ c] b4 g \bar ":|." r128 \breathe \bar ".|:" g4 d g2 \bar ":|." r128
\breathe \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "Da:"
Je -- su Kri -- stus,
Hvem er du?
Kan de ik -- ke hø -- rer,
Sand -- hed -- en!
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "En:" \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color
Je- sus Chri -- ist,
Who are you?
Do they not have e -- ears,
For the Truth!
>> \layout { }
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"}
\relative c''' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
4 = 120
g4 a b g r128 g4 a b g r128
b4 c d2 r128 b4 c d2 r128
d8[ e] d[ c] b4 g r128 d'8[ e] d[ c] b4 g r128
g4 d g2 r128 g4 d g2 r128
\midi {}
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:}
Yderligere info: Mester Jakob
MÃ¥ske bedre med: Jesus Kristus, Jesus Kristus<
Eller sandheden med, Hvem du er, Hvem du er!
Eller Jesu Kristi... må lige se det an over tid.
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Jesus Jesus Konge og Krist - *ikke færdig og
tydeligvis problemer!!!*}
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Jesus Jesus King oh Christ - longing for his return
and his rightous kingdom here on Earth. }
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} %%flute - - piccolo
\relative c'' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
\markup {Melody: Twinkle twinkle little star - \italic Normal } 4 = 100
d4 d a' a b b a2 \breathe \bar "|" g4 g fs fs e e d2 \breathe \bar "|" a'4 a g
g fs fs e2 \breathe \bar "|" a4 a g g fs fs e2 \breathe \bar "|" \break d4 d a'
a b b a2 \breathe \bar "|" g4 g fs fs e e d2 \breathe \bar ":|."}
\addlyrics {
Je -- su Je -- su kon -- ge Krist,
Hvor -- når er din an -- komst mon,
fra him -- len på sky -- er -- ne,
dit kon -- ge -- ri -- ge til Jord,
Je -- su Je -- su kon -- ge Krist,
Lad du din sand -- hed ken -- de.
\addlyrics { \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color 'grey40)
Je -- sus, Je -- sus, king oh Christ,
How I won -- der when you come,
from the hea -- vens on the clouds,
for thy king -- dom on to earth,
Je -- sus Je -- sus king oh Christ,
let thy truth be known to all.
>> \layout { } \midi { } }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:} Could also replace the last king with Judge.
unto/onto Jesus, Konge, Dommer, Krist - hvornår kommer du igen
// node ide, node med bølge oppe og nede og bogstav i midten til afslutning
åben øjne sand. lad alle din sandhed kende, bekendt. Let thy truth be heard
by all. Ã
benbart sandheden.
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {kristus vidnesbyrd går ud i verden - om de
glædelige nyhedder. // de gode nyhedder går}
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {The Gospel of Christ goes - on the Good news. }
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} %%flute - - piccolo
\relative c'' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
\markup {Melody: The Wheels On The Bus Go \italic Normal } 4 = 120
d4 g8 g4 g8 g4 b \breathe \bar "|" d b g8 g4. \bar "|" a4 a a8 a4. \bar "|"
fs4 e d8 d4. \bar "|" d4 g g g8 g4 b \bar "|" d b g8 g4. \bar "|" a4 a d d
g,4. g4 \bar ":|."}
\addlyrics {
Kris -- stus vid -- nes -- byrd går,
ud i ver -- den
ud i ver -- den
ud i ver -- den
Kris -- stus vid -- nes -- byrd går,
ud i ver -- den
op -- lys -- er ver -- den %mørket op
\addlyrics { \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color 'grey40)
The good news of Christ goes, %The Go -- spel of Christ goes,
out in the world,
out in the world,
out in the world,
The good news of Christ goes, %The Go -- spel of Christ goes,
Out in the world,
Ligh -- ting up the world. %up the Darkness
>> \layout { } \midi { } }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:}
Yderligere info: Lighting up the darkness. - - oplyser hele verden. - -
overlyser hele verden.
Hjullende på bussen kører
kristus vidnesbyrd går ud i verden ud i verden
oplyser alt mørke
oplyser det mørke
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Jesus kom fra himlem -}
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Jesus came from heaven - }
\score {
\relative c''' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
\markup {Melody: Au clair de la luna - \italic Normal } 4 = 100
g4 g g a b2 a \breathe \bar "|" g4 b a a g1 \breathe \bar ":|." \break a4 a a a
e2 e \breathe \bar "|" a4 g fs e d1 \breathe \bar "|" \break g4 g g a b2 a
\breathe \bar "|" g4 b a a g1 \breathe \bar "|."}
\addlyrics { \set stanza = \markup {
\column { \vspace #.33 "1."} %turn off 1 or not
\override #'(font-encoding . fetaBraces)
\lookup "brace65" \column { \vspace #-0.07 "1." "2."}}
Je -- sus kom fra him -- len
til de tab -- te får
sid -- der nu i him -- len
ved sin Fa -- der kær
kom -- mer snart til -- ba -- ge
Her til jord i -- gen!
\addlyrics { \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color 'grey40)
dø -- de for dem al -- le
før -- ste fød -- te Lys
>> \layout { } }
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"}
\relative c''' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
4 = 100
g4 g g a b2 a | g4 b a a g1
g4 g g a b2 a | g4 b a a g1
a4 a a a e2 e | a4 g fs e d1
g4 g g a b2 a | g4 b a a g1
\addlyrics { \set stanza = \markup {
\column { \vspace #.33 "1."} %turn off 1 or not
\override #'(font-encoding . fetaBraces)
\lookup "brace65" \column { \vspace #-0.07 "1." "2."}}
\midi { }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:} Dan: Ved sin faders hånd - -
ved (sin) farmands hånd. Venter nu på ordet. - -
ved hans højre hånd - -
dommen er i Venter - - når han ses igen!
to on earth again
Jesus came from heaven
to the sheep that's lost / whose lost
dying for them all
the first birth of the light
sitting now in Heaven
with his Father dear
returning soon // coming back here to/on earth again.
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Jesus elsker mig, ved jeg - for det siger Biblen
mig }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Jesus loves me this I know - }
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"}
\relative c''' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key d \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
\markup {Melody: Jesus loves me \italic Normal } 4 = 110
%{ %}
a4 fs fs e fs a a2 \breathe \bar "|" b4 b d b b a a2 \breathe \bar "|" \break
a4 fs fs e fs a a2 \breathe \bar "|" b4 b a d, fs e d2 \breathe \bar "|" \break
a' fs4 a b d2. \breathe \bar "|" a2 fs4 d fs e2. \breathe \bar "|" \break a2
fs4 a b d2 \breathe \bar "|" b4 a d, fs e d1 \breathe \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "1."
Je -- sus loves me! this I know,
for the Bi -- ble tells me so;
Lit -- tle ones to him be -- long;
They are weak, but He is strong.
Yes, Je -- sus loves me!
Yes, Je -- sus loves me!
Yes, Je -- sus loves me!
The Bi -- ble tells me so.
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "2." \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color
Je -- sus loves me, He who died,
Hea -- ven's gate to o -- pen wide,
He will wash a -- way my sin,
Let His lit -- tle child come in.
\addlyrics { }
\addlyrics { \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color 'grey40) }
>> \layout { } \midi { } } \markup { \vspace #0.1 }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:}
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Der var en Far som havde en Søn - til
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {There was a Father who had a Son - to the
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} %%flute - - piccolo
%There was a Farmer who had a Dog
\relative c'' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
\markup {There was a farmer who had a dog \italic Normal } 4 = 120
d4 g g d d e e d \breathe \bar "|" d g g a a b2 g \breathe \bar "|" b b c4 c c2
\bar "|" a a b4 b b2 \bar "|" \break g g a4 a a \breathe \bar "|" g fs d e fs
g2 g4 \breathe \bar "|."}
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "Da:"
Der var en Far som ha'd en Søn
Og Je -- sus var hans navn -- o,
Og Je -- sus var hans navn -- o.
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "En:" \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color
There was a Fath'r who had a Son,
and Je -- sus was his name -- o,
and Je -- sus was his name -- o.
>> \layout { } \midi { } }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:} Yderligere info: som/han - -
who/He }
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {Jesus kom til verden, sendt af sin Far - Om Kristus
og hans Modstandere.}
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} %%flute - - piccolo
%Puff hvor kan man finde
\relative c''' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key d \major \easyHeadsOn \tempo
\markup {Puff hvor kan man finde, drager som dig \italic Normal } 4 = 110
d4. d8 d4 d cs2 a \breathe \bar "|" b d4 d a2. \breathe r8 \bar "|" \break
a8 g4. g8 a4 g fs8 a4. d4. \breathe \bar "|" d8 d4 b cs8 d4. e1 r2 \breathe
\bar "|" \break
d4. d8 d4 d4 cs2 a \breathe \bar "|" b d4 d a2. \breathe r8 \bar "|" \break
a8 g4. g8 a4 g fs8 a4. d4. \breathe d8 d4 b cs8 d4. e1 \breathe r2 \bar "|"
\addlyrics {\set stanza = "1."
Je -- sus kom til ver -- den, sendt af sin Far.
han gik i -- blandt hans e -- get folk,
de tro -- e -- de ham ej.
op på træ -- et kom han, for Guds -- be -- spot,
Den kæ -- re Gud, Djæv -- len si -- ger, det må man ik -- ke tro!
\addlyrics {\set stanza = "2." \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color
Har i hørt den ny -- hed, ud -- gå -- et gik,
En Hel -- lig by, Je -- ru -- sa -- lem,
Der var en kon -- ge død,
Li -- vets mand lod slag -- te, for syn -- dens fald.
Den kæ -- re Gud, han gav os liv, og pa -- ra -- di -- set duft.
\addlyrics {\set stanza = "3."
Hvor kan vi dog fin -- de, Sand -- he -- den selv?
Det Lys der brænd -- te mi -- le -- vidt,
og mør -- ket der for -- gik.
Det er Je -- sus Kris -- tus, syn -- de -- rens kald. %synderens?
Den kæ -- re Gud, han vi -- ser åh sin nå -- de stor i ham.
\addlyrics {\set stanza = "4." \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color
Har du hørt om Pa -- ven, med seks seks seks,
I Rom han sid'er og prut -- ter ud,
det fæ -- le -- ste på jord,
Mod -- mes -- si -- as er han, fuld af be -- drag,
Den kæ -- re Gud, han ka -- ster ham i ild og svovl en dag.
\addlyrics {\set stanza = "5."
Fuld af blod er Skø -- gen, løgn og La -- tin,
For -- vi -- ring er den Ro -- mer -- tro,
der tog sig lam -- me -- skin,
Van -- vids me -- ster -- vær -- ket, djæv -- lens for -- stand. %I me --
ster -- vær -- ket hvi -- ler djæv -- lens for-stand.(?)
Den kæ -- re Gud, han døm -- mer hen -- de til den vis -- se død.
\addlyrics {\set stanza = "6." \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color
De Fal -- ske pro -- fe -- ter, en er be -- stemt,
han lig -- ger ver -- dens mag -- ter ned,
for Ro -- mer -- kon -- gens fod,
Dra -- ge -- spy -- der er han, Je -- su -- i -- ten! %kendt som Je -- su -- i
-- ten, dra -- ge -- spy -- der-er,(?)
Den kæ -- re Gud, han ud -- slet -- ter den gift han kom -- mer med.
\addlyrics {\set stanza = "7."
Lad dig ik -- ke nar -- re, for me -- get løgn,
det fyl -- der he -- le ver -- dens rum,
Men Ord -- et le -- der vej,
Sa -- tan er der -- u -- de, og -- så hans børn. %Sa -- tan er der -- u --
de, hans børn li -- ge-så!(?)
Den kæ -- re Gud, hold fast i vid -- net til den sid -- ste stund.
>> \layout { } \midi { } }
\markup { \vspace #0.1 }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:} kendt som Jesuiten, dragespyder - -
Dragerspyder er han, Je-su-i-ten - - slut alternativ: d8 b4 d d cs d2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
lyric help under the custos
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {
Jeg er en uviden person - for opdagelsen af Døren til Faderen.
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} %%flute - - piccolo
%There was a Farmer who had a Dog
\relative d'' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn
\tempo \markup {Jeg er en lille undulat \italic Normal } 4 = 120
g8[g a] b4. a8[b c] b4 r8 \bar "|" g[g a] b4 d c b a8 \bar "|" \break fs[fs g]
a4 a8 \bar "|" fs[fs g] a4 a8 \bar "|" \break a[a b] a4 g4 fs g \bar "|" \bar
":|." }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "1."
jeg er en u -- vi -- den per -- son,
jeg har så ondt i min sjæ -- æl,
for dem jeg bor hos,
ja, dem jeg bor hos,
er mør -- ke, dag's ret, på bord.
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "2." \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color
de gir mig lort hver en' -- ste dag,
og det vil jeg ik -- ke ha -- ve,
for jeg vil hel -- 're,
ja, me -- get hel -- 're,
ha' Sand -- heds Ve -- jen og Lys!
>> \layout { } \midi { } }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap { \underline {Yderligere info:}
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \bold \fontsize #0 {
Are you going to God's Kingdom come?
\score { \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} %%flute - - piccolo
%There was a Farmer who had a Dog
\relative d'' { \cadenzaOn \clef "treble^8" \key g \major \easyHeadsOn
\tempo \markup {Scarborough Fair \italic Normal } 4 = 120
e2 e4 b'8 b4. b4 fs g fs e2 r4 \bar "|" \break b'4 d e2 d4 b cs a b2 r4 \bar
"|" \break e4 e2 e4 d2 b4 b a g fs d2 r4 \bar "|" \break e2 b'4 a2 g4 fs e4. d8
e2 r4 \bar ":|." }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "1."
Are you go -- ing to God's King -- dom come?
Fa -- ther, Son, and Ho -- ly Spi -- rit!
Re -- mem -- ber Us and do not for -- ge -- et,
Chil -- dren true, the lo -- vers of Christ!
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "2." \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color
Tell him, we stand firm to be his own,
Fa -- ther, Son, and Ho -- ly Spi -- rit!
The Glo -- ry Hea -- vens king -- dom to come -- e.
Chil -- dren true, the lo -- vers of Christ!
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "3."
Tell him, Thank you, who died for our sins.
Fa -- ther, Son, and Ho -- ly Spi -- rit!
His pre -- cious blood, he paid it in fu -- ull!
Chil -- dren true, the lo -- vers of Christ!
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "4." \override LyricText . color = #(x11-color
Tell him, we serve to death to us part.
Fa -- ther, Son, and Ho -- ly Spi -- rit!
In Truth we speak, e -- ven in mis -- trea -- eat,
Chil -- dren true, the lo -- vers of Christ!
\addlyrics { \set stanza = "5."
Are you go -- ing to God's King -- dom come?
Fa -- ther, Son, and Ho -- ly Spi -- rit!
Re -- mem -- ber Us and do not for -- ge -- et,
Chil -- dren true, for -- e -- ver in Christ.
>> \layout { } \midi { } }
\markup { \vspace #0.1 }
\markup \italic \fontsize #-2 \wordwrap {
\underline {Yderligere info:} men/og - - In Truth we slaughthered/Butchered be!
- - ending forever in christ x 2}
\markup { \vspace #0.0 }
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
\markup \fontsize #4 \bold \rainbow #'("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
"lightblue" "blue" "violet")
\markup { \vspace #0.3 }
Top midlle Bottom High Medium Low High Middle Low
FEisty 655.000 kicks out of the Arab world in 1948
Caspars melodi, Faldne der afviser kristus
Skipper klements - pave Antikrist 666 tema og protest
Bonny Svans - 1000 års rige, om kristus kongerige om at gå op til Jerusalem
og blive instruereret af Kongernes konge og fejre Jehovah's festivaler.
Greensleves - Kærlighed sang til kristus og sørgelse af verdens afvisning af
Også lavet som What Child is This.
Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser
Solen er så rød mor - Kristus døde for vor synd.
\version "2.22.1" \language "english" % Color
%{Jehovah's Rainbow to recall the destruction of the world wide flood,
Notes with Colors for Learners depending on Pitch or names,
Low to highest vibration: C=Red D=Orange E=Yellow F=Green G=Lightblue A=Blue B=Violet
the function used in this example even makes it possible to distinguish enharmonics.%}
%Association list of pitches to colors âC# âD# âE# âF# âG# âA# âB#:
#(define color-mapping(list
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 0 FLAT) (rgb-color 1 0 0))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 0 NATURAL) (rgb-color 1 0 0))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 0 SHARP) (rgb-color 1 0 0))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 1 FLAT) (rgb-color 0.953 0.471 0.125))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 1 NATURAL) (rgb-color 0.953 0.471 0.125))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 1 SHARP) (rgb-color 0.953 0.471 0.125))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 2 FLAT) (rgb-color 1 0.804 0))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 2 NATURAL) (rgb-color 1 0.804 0))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 2 SHARP) (rgb-color 1 0.804 0))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 3 FLAT) (rgb-color 0 1 0))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 3 NATURAL) (rgb-color 0 1 0))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 3 SHARP) (rgb-color 0 1 0))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 4 FLAT) (rgb-color 0.298 0.855 0.988))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 4 NATURAL) (rgb-color 0.298 0.855 0.988))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 4 SHARP) (rgb-color 0.298 0.855 0.988))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 5 FLAT) (x11-color 'blue))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 5 NATURAL) (x11-color 'blue))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 5 SHARP) (x11-color 'blue))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 6 FLAT) (rgb-color 0.6 0 0.9))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 6 NATURAL) (rgb-color 0.6 0 0.9))
(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 6 SHARP) (rgb-color 0.6 0 0.9))))
%Compare pitch and alteration (not octave).
#(define (pitch-equals? p1 p2)(and
(= (ly:pitch-alteration p1) (ly:pitch-alteration p2))
(= (ly:pitch-notename p1) (ly:pitch-notename p2))))
#(define (pitch-to-color pitch)
(let ((color (assoc pitch color-mapping pitch-equals?)))(if color(cdr color))))
#(define (color-notehead grob)(pitch-to-color(ly:event-property (event-cause grob) 'pitch)))
% script end------------------------------------------------------
% (Rød-c red) (Orange-d orange) (Gul-e yellow3) (Grøn-f green4) (Blå-g blue) (Mørkeblå-a darkblue) (Violet-b violet)
% \override Beam.color = #(x11-color "medium turquoise")
% \override Accidental.color = #(rgb-color 1 0.3 0.3)
% \override NoteHead.color = #(rgb-color 0.5 0.5 0.5)
% \override Stem.color = #(rgb-color 0.8 0.8 0)
%instrument = \markup \with-color #green "Instrument"
% \markup { \with-color #red contain }
%Colors used From other note program where you had some few colors to choose from.
%{Red%} % #(rgb-color 0.898 0.098 0.141)
%{Orange%} % #(rgb-color 0.953 0.471 0.125)
%{Yellow%} % #(rgb-color 0.996 0.875 0)
%{Green%} % #(rgb-color 0 0.616 0.239)
%{Teal%} % #(rgb-color 0.298 0.855 0.988)
%{Blue%} % #(rgb-color 0.20 0.286 0.62)
%{Violet%} % #(rgb-color 0.694 0.325 0.62)
%{teal%} % #(rgb-color 0 0.502 0.502)
% (cons (ly:make-pitch 0 4 FLAT) (rgb-color 0.273 0.669 0.666))
%(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 4 NATURAL) (rgb-color 0.273 0.669 0.666))
%(cons (ly:make-pitch 0 4 SHARP) (rgb-color 0.273 0.669 0.666))
\layout { \context { \Staff
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\override TimeSignature #'stencil = #point-stencil }}
\score { \new Staff \relative d' { \cadenzaOn
\override NoteHead.color = #color-notehead \override NoteHead.font-size = #6
cf c cs df d ds ef e es ff f fs gf g gs af a as bf b bs cf c cs}}
\score { \new Staff \relative d' { \cadenzaOn \easyHeadsOn \override NoteHead.font-size = #6
\override NoteHead.color = #color-notehead
cf c cs df d ds ef e es ff f fs gf g gs af a as bf b bs cf c cs}}
\relative { \cadenzaOn \override NoteHead.color = #color-notehead \override NoteHead.font-size = #6
c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c }
\relative { \cadenzaOn \override NoteHead.color = #color-notehead \easyHeadsOn \override NoteHead.font-size = #6
c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c}
\score { \new Staff \relative d' { \cadenzaOn \easyHeadsOn \override NoteHead.font-size = #6
\override NoteHead.color = #color-notehead
d ds e es f fs g gs a as b bs c cs \bar "" \break d ds e es f fs g gs a as b bs c cs \bar "" \break d ds e es f fs g gs a as}}
\version "2.22.0"
lyricrevert= { \revert LyricText.color }
lyricRed = { \override LyricText.color = #red }
verse = \lyrics
Black text \lyricRed Red Text \lyricrevert Black Text
\score {
\new Staff \new Voice=tune \relative c'' { a4 a a a | a a2. }
\lyricsto tune \verse