Le 15/06/2021 à 11:24, darki...@jesusgod-pope666.info a écrit :
Hey guys, it is Darkijah - just wanted to upload everything made, if anyone wanna rip anything out of it or reuse it for whatever :) I still need some help on the automatically script for the Tin Whistle D - although I am still trying to sort out every note that is possible on the instrument, or at least the one I have. Somewhat harder to point out the higher notes of fingering.

So if anyone wanna help me with the Script, I already have some trial scripts, but they do not fully do what I want - I want them to be able to make unique fingering for 3 octaves!!! :) I have done the fingering on a lot of the notations, but I still have some to work out.

You probably want something like this
(adapted from the earlier version at

\version "2.23.3"

autoFingerings =
#(define-music-function (instrument alist music)
                        (symbol? list? ly:music?)
       \new Dynamics {
            (lambda (m)
              (if (music-is-of-type? m 'note-event)
                  (let* ((pitch (ly:music-property m 'pitch))
                             (assoc-ref alist pitch)
                               (ly:music-warning m
                                                 "fingering for pitch ~a not found"
                      (ly:music-property m 'duration)
                            \center-column {
                              \override #'(size . 0.5)
                              \override #'(thickness . 0.5)
                              \woodwind-diagram #instrument #fingerings
            (ly:music-deep-copy music))
       { #music }

myFingeringAlist =
    (cons #{ g'' #} '((cc . (one two three)) (lh . ()) (rh . ())))
    ; Add further entries in the same way.

\autoFingerings flute \myFingeringAlist {

It not moving as quick as I wanted but it is moving, little by little - albeit slowly it feels. I really need a English forum for this - and if I get my money supply sorted out, I'm thinking of setting up a English Lilypond forum if anyone wanna moderate it that would be great. I can see they have one in German, and the Forum would be based either on SMF as the German or most likely on ElkArte which is a fork that is mobile ready and good to go.

I still need to work on some theming on the Elk-Arte, it would take a months to seriously get sorted, time I don't have - but at least I can set it up and start from there. lpf.something I think would be a good address, you guys rather wanna have the whole name in it? lpf would be easy to put into the browser and go.

Anyway... I'll post the files I have for now, 1 script are included for coloring the notation, the other is the whistle "book" which is still in progress - the Whistle script is.... well used for another work, of cause it all needs to be united at some point - but with an automatid script and all the notations sorted down and colors, that should be a breeze. At the moment, I have just tried to gather some known children songs, sorted the notes and lyrics to my liking. Lots of ideas, and a long way - everything will of cause always be free.

If one ever would release the book in physical form, the front should say, don't by the book - download it for free! :P Well, let time speak on how far I get with it, tend to fail in my started projects as there is so many and things takes a lot of time

Another idea is to make a XMPP Room for English Lilypond users as well, I call it Birdie and it is free and open - although I never got to sort out the client on my webpage fully, but that is another project I need to finish at some point. So one can easily connect without having any client on the computer itself. http://jesusisgodalmighty.life/birdie.php is my client, although some issues with colors and all - but it works, it can connect and all... But something I need to finish at some point, as so many other things.

But a Birdie Room would be a quick help for minor issues and quick chat for Lilypond users who want to interact quick and easy and wanna share pictures, video and what not for easy and quick help back and forth :)

There do exist web-based LilyPond forums:

- As Robin noted in another thread, you can read this list
  and post to it using Nabble at http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/,

- StackExchange has a LilyPond tag: https://music.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/lilypond,

- We have an IRC channel. Don't trust the website, it was moved recently
  to irc://irc.libera.chat/lilypond (this is being updated). Note that I
  don't know if many people actually use it (I don't).

- There is a Facebook group. I wouldn't recommend it because
  of privacy issues, though (I personally stopped replying
  on it for this reason).

That being said, most power users tend to hang out
on this list. One good reason is that email often
works better with long-term archival.

Best regards,

Let me upload my files for the Whistle book and the colors. Work in progress, but overall... looks like something! Some Danish some English Songs in it... Not really sorted, but all of them should be played as Midi files now, although I have not sorted out if one can make a name unto the file in the midi box itself. Would be nice, as I just have these 0 1 2 3 for the melodies and it is not that easy to remember which on is which and can see it becoming a greater problem the more I get.

Anyway, enjoy - but... I really need an English Forum - this mail list is way to complicated for me to sort out and if the Germans can do it... :P
- Darkijah

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