Replace the \score{...} in my previous example by
\score {
    \repeat "volta" 2
        \new DrumStaff <<
            \new Voice \with {
                  \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
                  squashedPosition = #4
                  \override Rest #'staff-position = #4
            } {\stemUp \timb }

            \set Staff.instrument = "drums"
            \new DrumVoice {\stemDown \drl }
    \paper {
        \accepts "Voice"

and see if that's more to the point. Maybe you want to replace
the #4 with #5, I'm not certain what position you want.
Two tricks are used here:
- Modifying a normal Voice context so that all notes and rests appear
  on the same "pitch".
- Telling LilyPond that you can have a Voice context also within a
  DrumStaff context.


Jennifer Clark wrote:
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Do you mean something like the top line in this example
(which is a minor modification of the example called
in the Regression Tests document).

Thank you Mats, that is very close to what I am talking about. The main
differences are that the common time denoter for the rhythm notes is not
needed - essentially this rhythm part should be just another voice on
the drum staff, with the notes resting on the top line of the drum
staff, i.e. the place the crash cymbal currently occupies. How one
denotes a crash cymbal under these circumstances I have no idea, I shall
enquire about this.


\version "2.2.0"

drh = \drums { cymc4.^"crash" hhc16^"h.h." hh \repeat "unfold" 5 {hhc8 hho hhc8 hh16 hh} hhc4 r4 r2 }
drl = \drums {\repeat "unfold" 3 {bd4 sn8 bd bd4 << bd ss >> } bd8 tommh tommh bd toml toml bd tomfh16 tomfh }
timb = \drums \repeat "unfold" 2 {timh4 ssh timl8 ssh r timh r4 ssh8 timl r4 cb8 cb}

\score {
    \repeat "volta" 2
    \new RhythmicStaff \with {
      \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver"
    } {\timb}
    \new DrumStaff \with {
        drumStyleTable = #timbales-style
        \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #2
        \override BarLine #'bar-size = #2
    } <<
        \set Staff.instrument = "timbales"
    \new DrumStaff <<
        \set Staff.instrument = "drums"
        \new DrumVoice {\stemUp \drh }
        \new DrumVoice {\stemDown \drl }
    \paper {}


Jennifer Clark wrote:

Dear all,

I am now getting confident enough with Lilypond to use it for writing scores for larger bands, currently a nine piece jazz band for example, and find the software excellent. One area I am not entirely confident in is the writing of drum music; the latest score I did had the transcribed drums set out note for note (as it were), but I was sure this was not the best way to present music to a drummer. So I asked one of the good drummers about here for his advice, which he gave, and he also showed me many examples of good big band drum scores, and some bad ones.

All of this was a great help, and all appears easily doable in Lilypond except for one thing: The general rhythm of the dominant melodic line in the piece was always written in the space above the top line on the drum score, allowing the drummer to see where accents might be placed without explicitly writing out the entire drum part for him. The notes on this line can be of any duration. Based on this information he can do his own thing without needing a cluttered drum part, which makes perfect sense.

I tried to achieve this in Lilypond 2.2.5 by adding an extra (standard) voice to the DrumStaff, but this ended up with two separate staves. Is there any way to achieve this? I also thought about redefining a drumkit, but I am not sure if e.g. moving a tom to the space above the top line would work since the toms appear unable to take on a value greater than a quarter note. Ideally the notes should behave like those in a standard voice.

Thanks again for any advice, and advice given in the past, it is much appreciated.


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