Hello everyone,

This does not answer the question directly... but suggests a solution without 
command line.

It is indeed easy to create EPS and/or SVG files from the PDF using Inkscape. You can then edit the file, and choose any part you want to include. It works perfecty with PDF files produced by LilyPond.

As an example, in an ongoing project to test frequencies <https://math.silvain-dupertuis.org/musique/Test-audition-fr%C3%A9quences.html>, I created a music sheet with Frescobaldi, saved it in PDF, and opend the PDF resulting file with Inkscape. Then I saved the parts I wanted as SVG (actually, optimized SVG) to include them as images in my web page (using this easy code : <img src="svg/octave07_opt.svg">

No need to use the command line to do that... I am sure you could do the same to create EPS image files (I did not test it, though).


Le 31.05.22 à 17:53, WaiMing Tsang a écrit :

Hi lilyponders:

To produce ‘EPS’ images;

    lilypond -dbackend=eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts myfile.ly

How ro run the above from frecobaldi v3.13?  I do not know how to use command line with lilypond.

Thank you for the help,



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