Le 09/06/2022 à 22:17, Ahanu Banerjee a écrit :

On Windows 11, I have been using 2.22 with no problems, but 2.23.x frequently hangs after "Interpreting music..." and says "Exited with return code -1073741819". Running lilypond again will sometimes work and sometimes returns the same error. I have not been able to identify a pattern other than that larger files have this problem more frequently.

I understand this is an access violation code, 0xC0000005, but I have no idea what's causing it. I don't have third-party antivirus software installed. I recently switched to Windows from Mac OS, so I'm totally inexperienced here.

Any tips for troubleshooting?

Ugh. This is very bad news. A flaky segfault like this with large files
likely means a garbage collection problem. There is little you can do about
it in your file. What you can do is help LilyPond developers find
the bug, even though this tends to be atrociously hard, sadly.

- Are you using the latest version, 2.23.9? There have been some
  fixes in this area lately.

- Can you try to "bisect" this in the 2.23 series? That is, go
  to https://lilypond.org/old-downloads.html and take, say, LilyPond
  2.23.5. Take a file that frequently crashes and see if the
  error appears. If so, try earlier than 2.23.5, or later if it
  doesn't reproduce. It would be helpful to know what specific
  version the problem was introduced in.

- What kind of scores are you typesetting? Are you using some
  less common features of LilyPond?

- Can you send a score that seems to crash frequently?


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