I reported this a week and a half ago, with no response.

In my case, I moved a substantial score from 2.23.3 to 2.23.9, and found 
that it would compile and give that error on alternate runs.

When I decided to try updating from 2.23.3, the latest version was 
2.23.8 - the first as I recall with the updated version of Guile.  I 
read enough issues with that to wait for 2.23.9, but assumed that this 
was still an issue with that update.

I simultaneously got an unrelated error message from a library, which 
the library's maintainers are intending to hide.  This makes me uneasy, 
because it indicates fingers being put out to totally unrelated 
programs, which I would prefer an explanation for.  I attach my capture 
of it.  There is a discussion at 
https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/issues/2640 .


On 09/06/2022 21:49:43, "Jean Abou Samra" <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:

>Le 09/06/2022 à 22:17, Ahanu Banerjee a écrit :
>>On Windows 11, I have been using 2.22 with no problems, but 2.23.x frequently 
>>hangs after "Interpreting music..." and says "Exited with return code 
>>-1073741819". Running lilypond again will sometimes work and sometimes 
>>returns the same error. I have not been able to identify a pattern other than 
>>that larger files have this problem more frequently.
>>I understand this is an access violation code, 0xC0000005, but I have no idea 
>>what's causing it. I don't have third-party antivirus software installed. I 
>>recently switched to Windows from Mac OS, so I'm totally inexperienced here.
>>Any tips for troubleshooting?
>Ugh. This is very bad news. A flaky segfault like this with large files
>likely means a garbage collection problem. There is little you can do about
>it in your file. What you can do is help LilyPond developers find
>the bug, even though this tends to be atrociously hard, sadly.
>- Are you using the latest version, 2.23.9? There have been some
>   fixes in this area lately.
>- Can you try to "bisect" this in the 2.23 series? That is, go
>   to https://lilypond.org/old-downloads.html and take, say, LilyPond
>   2.23.5. Take a file that frequently crashes and see if the
>   error appears. If so, try earlier than 2.23.5, or later if it
>   doesn't reproduce. It would be helpful to know what specific
>   version the problem was introduced in.
>- What kind of scores are you typesetting? Are you using some
>   less common features of LilyPond?
>- Can you send a score that seems to crash frequently?

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