
Please keep the list in CC so that everyone can chime
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Le 13/07/2022 à 20:26, David Sumbler a écrit :
Thank you for that.  Yes, I should have noticed that the contents of the tar file were not source code.  As it is, though, I'm not entirely sure what to do with it - I guess that I put it all in a folder somewhere and then make a link to bin/lilypond.

You just extract it somewhere and it becomes usable as

/.../lilypond-2.23.10/bin/lilypond file.ly

If you want to invoke it as "lilypond file.ly" without typing
the full path, you have to add the /.../lilypond-2.23.10/bin
directory to your PATH. One way to do so is to add this line
to your shell startup file (probably ~/.bashrc):

export PATH=/.../lilypond-2.23.10/bin:$PATH

That said, if you're using Frescobaldi, this is not needed.
Go to Edit > Preferences > LilyPond Preferences and add the
new version, providing  /.../lilypond-2.23.10/bin/lilypond as
the executable.

 Then I have to download the docs.

They're at the very bottom of this page:


(the link "Doc tarball for LilyPond 2.23.10").

SInce I only want Lilypond at the moment to try out things from your wonderful "Extending Lilypond" document, I decided to install version 2.23.6.  This still has the nice simple installation script, which I used to install Lilypond and grab all the docs as well - even my existing bookmark for the docs in Firefox just works!

I'd recommend 2.23.10 -- if you ask questions on the list,
most people will be using either the latest stable version
or the latest unstable version, so that using either of these
two versions eases the process of checking that a code snippet
will work with your version.

Incidentally, my system has Guile 3.0 installed, and I see that Lilypond comes with 2.2.  I don't have 1.8 anywhere on the system, but when I type 'lilypond' it reports:

GNU LilyPond 2.23.6 (running Guile 1.8)

I assume that this is just a trivial correction that is needed in the code somewhere.

No, it really means your LilyPond is running Guile 1.8.
2.23.6 was a very special release, as it is the one where
we started the final Guile 2.2 transition. This release
was "dual": the binaries that you could download from
lilypond.org use Guile 1.8, but those from
use Guile 2.2.

This release allowed us to test there were no major problems
with Guile 2.2 remaining, so in the following release, 2.23.7,
support for Guile 1.8 has been dropped, only Guile 2.2 binaries
have been provided, they were on GitLab, and the links on
lilypond.org just redirected to GitLab.


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