On Mon, 2022-07-18 at 11:15 +0200, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le 17/07/2022 à 17:03, David Sumbler a écrit :
> > 
> > Is it the intention that the next "stable" version of Lilypond will
> > be 
> > packaged in this new way?  Will the shell script be done away with 
> > there too?
> > 
> > Even if not, what are the perceived advantages of this change for
> > the 
> > development versions, at least?
> Yes, all new versions of LilyPond will use this packaging. Getting
> rid of the .sh script was not the only change; it was actually a
> wholesale switch to a new compilation system, which is now 100×
> simpler and more reliable, and now creates static binaries. Before,
> a .sh installer was required, because once installed the binaries
> couldn't be moved around. Now that they can, it is just unnecessary.
> Not having a .sh installer has other advantages, too. It avoids
> conflicts with distro packages. It makes the installation process
> exactly the same across all OSes. It prevents people from shooting
> themselves in the foot by not realizing that several versions of
> LilyPond can be installed in parallel.

I should think that most users only use one version at a time, unless
they have the understanding to help in testing development versions, in
which case they would probably know that they can have several

> I think you are overcomplicating things by trying to mimic
> the previous installation process with the new binaries.
> Changing /usr/local/ is normally done by package managers
> and dedicated tools, not by hand. If you don't know what
> you're doing there, don't touch it. (This kind of advice applies
> to any command using sudo, actually.)

I merely moved the new installation to the place where it would have
been put by the script, had there been one.  I have successfully
administered my own Linux boxes for the last 20 years or so without any
major mishaps...

> Instead, follow these simple steps. (I agree that _finding_ them
> is not simple, but again it will eventually be in the learning
> manual, with screenshots. That change has landed and will appear
> in the next release.)
> 1. Download the archive.
> 2. Unpack it.
> 3. Move the lilypond-2.23.10 directory inside it in your
>     home folder.
> 4. In your .emacs, change the path in (expand-file-name ...)
>     to "~/lilypond-2.23.10/share/emacs/site-lisp".
> And that's all.

Thanks for those clear instructions.  And having set up an alias, as
suggested by David W., I found that typing 'lilypond' in a bash
terminal produces the expected result.  However, this is not something
I often do.

My usual work pattern is to edit .ly files etc. in emacs, and then to
use the Lilypond-mode command C-c C-l or C-c C-f to produce a PDF or
Postscript file.  Unfortunately I found that this now just produces an
error message, such as:

   lilypond /home/david/Cloud/LilyPond/test.ly
   /bin/bash: line 1: lilypond: command not found
   Compilation exited abnormally with code 127 at Tue Jul 19 16:07:42

I eventually realized that having the alias included in .bashrc was not
working because this is only for interactive shells.  But I have tried
putting it in .bash_profile, logging out and then logging in again, and
this doesn't work either.

If somebody can suggest how I get emacs-mode Lilypond-command-lilypond
and Lilypond-command-formatps to work, it will be very much
appreciated, as always.


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