Le 20/07/2022 à 17:52, David Sumbler a écrit :
This worked perfectly, although I don't fully understand it.  At first I assumed that your 'LilyPond-lilypond-command' was a typo for 'LilyPond-command-lilypond', but that wasn't recognized as a command whereas your version was.  I now see that your version is a Lilypond-mode command, and my version is a Lilypond-mode Lisp function.  No wonder I couldn't figure it out for myself.

To be precise, LilyPond-command-lilypond is the (Lisp) function
that runs LilyPond on the file. You can run it with M-x LilyPond-command-lilypond
(like any Lisp function), and by default it is bound to C-c C-l.
LilyPond-lilypond-command is a variable, the name of the command
to be used by LilyPond-command-lilypond. It is declared as a "Custom
variable", so you can modify it using the Custom interface.

Anyway, thanks for all your help.  It looks as if I now have Lilypond up and running again.

You're welcome.


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