[List changed to LilyPond-User, from LilyPond-Devel.]

> On 16 Aug 2022, at 22:16, Ian West <ian42w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I reset my laptop to abolish 'smart quotes' . Successful. But there must be 
> other subtleties that are frustrating me. Perhaps if I type the text with 
> textedit, then copy and paste to feed it to Ly. Or just change the suffix 
> from .txt to .ly?

You might try Frescobaldi, which is in effect an integrated development system 
for LilyPond. Both type and compile from within the app.

The program 'lilypond' does not care about the filename other than that if the 
filename extension is '.ly' it can be omitted when passed as argument, and 
there may be some more.

The extension might also be set so that if it ends on ".ly" some favorite app 
is opened, say Frescobaldi.

If one has a lot of these filename extensions to set, one can use the System 
Preferences pane RCDefaultApp by Rubicode, which is for free. It may require 
changing something in Security & Privacy to work.

Otherwise, in general, it is set from the Finder in the pop-up menu for the 
file "Open With…", or Info on the file.

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