On Fri 02 Sep 2022 at 22:46:01 (+0100), J Martin Rushton wrote:
> On Fri, 2022-09-02 at 16:17 -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > On Fri 02 Sep 2022 at 21:43:25 (+0100), J Martin Rushton wrote:
> > > I've just spent another couple of hours clearing out previous
> > > attempts
> > > to get Frescobaldi running and attempting to sort out its
> > > dependency
> > > hell.
> > > 
> > > Is there any alternative to Frescobaldi?
> > 
> > An editor (emacs) + LilyPond + PDF viewer (xpdf).
> > (My choices in parentheses.)
> > 
> > > I'm running AlmaLinux 8.6 if that helps.
> > 
> > Not a great deal; does it mean that F~ isn't part of the
> > distribution?
> > 
> My preference is for vi, but yes, that's what I've been using for the
> last couple of years since F~ stopped working.  What I miss though is
> the back link from the score to the source, and the MIDI playback.

0. Which PDF viewer, and which version of LP?

1. Does the PDF have the textedit URLs?
   $ grep -a textedit foo.pdf
     …            …            …

2. Does the PDF viewer see them? Look for cursor to change as you
   move over a notehead.

3. Run the PDF viewer from the commandline. Click on an active
   notehead. What appears on the console? Anything like:
     lilypond-invoke-editor (GNU LilyPond) 2.22.0

4. Is lilypond-invoke-editor defined?
   $ which lilypond-invoke-editor

5. Can lilypond-invoke-editor open a file in an editor,
   preferably the one you want?
   $ lilypond-invoke-editor textedit:///tmp/foo.txt:2:4:6
   /tmp/foo.txt is the full path to any old text file with
   more than a couple of lines in it. The cursor should land
   on the second line, four chars along.

How many of those steps work?

And at the other end of the process, are you starting vi as
a server, with something like:

$ gvim
$ vim --servername GVIM
$ vi --servername gvim

(letter-case unimportant), else you might see:
E247: no registered server named "GVIM": Send failed.


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