On Sat, 2022-09-03 at 11:23 +1000, Andrew Bernard wrote:
> Well well. Alma Linux is indeed a fine distro, but now I agree with
> you 
> about dependencies on this linux. Part of the process to install
> PyQt4 
> is to install enough of Qt4 to get qmake and that's a nightmare.
> It's 
> absurdly complicated. And Qt4 has been obsoleted anyway, making this
> all 
> that much harder.
> How committed are you to Alma Linux? At this point I would recommend
> a 
> distro that you don't have to fight with, such as Ubuntu, which has 
> frescobaldi in the repo anyway.
> If you cannot or will not change from Alma Linux I can push on. Do
> let 
> me know.
> Andrew

Pretty committed.  I ran CentOS on this machine for several years until
it was killed off, then switched to Alma.  It runs as the home server
(DNS, DHCP, web, OwnCloud, Dokuwiki, disk farm and backups) so
switching to another distro would be a right royal pain for the whole
family.  I also prefer the stability of a enterprise distro rather than
the vagaries of a rolling one.

> On 3/09/2022 9:37 am, Andrew Bernard wrote:
> > I've come late to this thread, but if you are on Alma Linux I'll
> > run a 
> > VM up and figure this for you. Don''t despair.
> > 
> > I'm not aware of any 'dependency hell' on several other Linux
> > distros, 
> > so let me sort this out and post a set of instructions how to
> > install it.
> > 
J Martin Rushton MBCS

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