At 09:05 on 16 Sep 2022, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
> The comparison also shows something that looks a bit ugly (according
> to some people, and I tend to agree): the design of the natural sign.
> Are there more people here who think the hole in the middle of the
> natural sign is too large and doesn't fit nicely on/between the
> stafflines? Is there room for improvement here? Let's discuss.

I agree that LilyPond wins this contest easily. (I was quite surprised
that Dorico gets so much wrong here, particularly the order of
accidentals in the last beat...)

Whilst in this particular context (one bar, in quite high zoom, with
lots of naturals) you could say that the naturals stand out. But it's
important to consider them in more normal contexts before rushing to judgement.

I always appreciate the clarity of Emmentaler's accidentals when reading
(and I sightread a *lot* of music set using other fonts). Each
accidental is clearly distinct and has it's own character - one almost
doesn't need to read them at all - unlike many other fonts where
naturals can look very similar to sharps at smaller sizes (particularly 

Mark Knoop

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