
    % (12)
    Oh |
    Lo -- rd Kum --
    \once  \override LyricText.X-offset = #-0.5
    "ba  -" -- |

I get this, which is not bad :

> Le 21 nov. 2022 à 23:27, Jacques Menu <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch> a écrit :
> Hello folks,
> I have a word across a measure and a coda placed farther ahead in the score, 
> as shown below.
> Is there a way to hide the hyphens between "Kumba" and the measure starting 
> the coda?
> This can be tested on the snippet at the end of this message.
> Thanks if you can help!
> JM
> <GraphiqueCollé-2.tiff>
> … … …
> <GraphiqueCollé-4.tiff><GraphiqueCollé-3.tiff>
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.23.80"
> #(set-global-staff-size 32)
> \score {
>  <<
>    \new Staff
>    <<
>      \new Voice = "voixA"  {
>        \clef "treble"
>        \partial 2
>        a2 |
>        b16 c8. r4 r2 |
>        f8 g4. a2 ~ |
>        a2 r2
>      }
>      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voixA"
>      {
>        Oh   |
>        Lor -- d  -- | %%%%%%%%%%% <---------- Here
>        Kum -- ba -- ya __
>      }
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> <GraphiqueCollé-1.tiff>

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