Hi Jacques,
there is also the option of doing something like this:

{ c2 2 << R1*3 { s8 \grace { \once\omit NoteHead c1 } s4. s2 s1 s2 s4. \grace 
{ \once\omit NoteHead c1 } } >> c1 }
\addlyrics { \set includeGraceNotes = ##t Kum -- ba -- "" "" -- ya }

I suppse a proper implementation would have somthing like \laissezVibrer and 
\repeatTie just for Lyric-Hyphens.


Am Montag, 21. November 2022, 23:46:50 CET schrieb Jacques Menu:
> With:
>     % (12)
>     Oh |
>     Lo -- rd Kum --
>     \once  \override LyricText.X-offset = #-0.5
>     "ba  -" -- |
> I get this, which is not bad :

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